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Cultural impact

King Kong is one of the most famous characters in cinema history. Kong and has starred in films that have been referenced in popular culture worldwide. King Kong won the prestige of being an icon of popular culture and being an urban legend. King Kong was the inspiration of advertisements, cartoons, comics, movies, magazine covers, plays, poetry, short films and television programs. Other references to King Kong is in the form of parodies. King Kong failed to reach the peak of his popularity in the sixties and seventies, as part of a trend nostalgic Hollywood movies of the thirties. During this time the character of Kong and the film were common in popular culture. In the mid-sixties, RKO Pictures began to authorize King Kong-related products due to public demand, such as cartoons, games, miniatures and posters.

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Lewis, HD, JW Davis, DG Archibald, WE Steinke, TC Smitherman, JE Doherty, schnap HW, LeWinter MM, Linares E, Pouget JM, Sabharwal SC, Chesler E, F DeMots (August 18, 1983 ). “Protective effects of aspirin against acute myocardial infarction and death in men with unstable angina. Results of a Veterans Administration Cooperative Study, “The New England journal of medicine. Vol 309. No. 7. pp. 396-403. ISSN 00,284,793. Julian DG, Chamberlain DA, Pocock SJ (1996-09-24). “A comparison of aspirin and anticoagulation following thrombolysis for myocardial infarction (the AFTER study): a multicentre randomized clinical trial Unblind ‘BMJ. Vol 313. No. 7070. pp. 1429-1431. British Medical Journal. PMID 8973228. Krumholz, Harlan M., Martha J. Radford, Edward F. Ellerbeck, John Hennen, Thomas P. Meehan, Marcia Petrillo, Yun Wang, Timothy F. Kresowik, Stephen F. Jencks (1995-11-15).”Aspirin in the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries: Patterns of Use and Outcomes” Circulation. Vol 92. 10. pp. 2841-2847. PMID 7586250. ab Macdonald S (2002). “Aspirin use to be banned in under 16 year olds’ BMJ. Vol 325. No. 7371. pp. 988. PMC 1,169,585. Doi: 10.1136/bmj.325.7371.988/c. PMID 12,411,346. abc Mary Bellis (1997). “History of Aspirin” (in English). Retrieved 21 November, 2008. O’Mathuna, Donal Walt Larimore (2006). “Willow Bark,” Alternative Medicine (in English). Zondervan, pp. 470. ISBN 0310269997. Retrieved 21 November, 2008. An Account of the Success of the Bark of the Willow in the Cure of Agues. In a Letter to the Right Honorable George Earl of Macclesfield, President of RS from the Rev. Mr. Edmund Stone, of Chipping-Norton in Oxfordshire. Published in “Philosophical Transactions” Volume 53 of the Royal Society in London, 1763 abc KC Nicolaou, Tamsyn Montagnon. Molecules That Changed the World (in English).Published by Wiley-VCH, 2008, pp. 13-14. ISBN 3-527-30983-7. Over 100 years: The history of aspirin (in Spanish). Bayer Health Care. Last accessed November 21, 2008. ab Jeffreys, Diarmuid (2004). Aspirin: The Remarkable Story of a Wonder Drug (in English). Bloomsbury. ISBN 1582343861. Retrieved 21 November, 2008. THE HISTORY OF ASPIRIN (in Spanish). Bayer Health Care. Last accessed November 21, 2008. Aspirin Spanish language dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, ion 22. Last accessed November 7, 2008. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis as a mechanism of action for aspirin-like drugs. John Robert Vane. Nature – New Biology. 1971 (231.25:232-5) ABCDEFGHIJKL Katzung, Bertram G. (2007). “Chapter 36. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs, Nonopioid Analgesics, Drugs Used in Gout “, Basic Clinical Pharmacology, 9 ion, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0071451536. Revista Muy Interesante, Summer 2008 special question and answer . ab Warner, TD, Warner TD, Mitchell JA. (2002-10-15). “Cyclooxygenase-3 (COX-3): filling in the gaps toward a COX continuum ” Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S. A. Vol 99. n. 21. pp. 13371-3. DOI 10.1073/pnas.222543099. PMID 12,374,850. 85 of the manufacture of Aspirin is made in Asturias. “Acetylsalicylic acid. Jinno Laboratory, School of Materials Science, Toyohashi University of Technology (March 1 1996). Retrieved 7 September 2007. Carstensen, JT F Attarchi and XP Hou (July 1985). “Decomposition of aspirin in the solid state in the presence of limited amounts of moisture” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol 77. No. 4. pp. 318-21. DOI 10.1002/jps.2600770407. PMID 4032246. Barrans, Richard. “Aspirin Aging. Newton BBS. Retrieved on 8 May 2008. Palleros, Daniel R. (2000). Experimental Organic Chemistry. New York: John Wiley Sons. 494. ISBN 0-471-28250-2. abcde MedlinePlus (January 2007). “Aspirin” (in Spanish). Medical Encyclopedia in Spanish. Retrieved 7 novimebre, 2008. “Aspirin (Oral) (in Spanish). Accessed 18 November, 2008. “Effects most common (less common with aspirin enteric coated or buffered) – cramps, pain or discomfort in the abdomen or stomach (mild to severe) heartburn or indigestion, nausea or vomiting.” Gerhard Levy. Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Aspirin (in English). PEDIATRICS Vol 62 No. 5s November 1978, pp. 867-872. Last accessed November 18, 2008. Ferguson RK, Boutros, AR (1970-08-17). “Death following self-poisoning with aspirin” Journal of the American Medical Association. PMID 5468267. Kaufman, FL Dubansky, AS (1970-04). “Darvon poisoning with delayed salicylism: case report” Pediatrics. Vol

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HOW TO RECOGNIZE A Colombians abroad

Found in the latest issue of the journal SOHO, an article in the Colombian actor Julio Arango, describing the circumstances that reveal the Colombian nationality of our compatriots abroad.Enjoy it: How to recognize a Colombian abroad By: JULIAN ARANGO “Colombians are a kind of special animal and there are many ways to recognize abroad. First let’s look at how we welcome.Here are some examples: What else: so one does not know the other person or another person and has offered nothing to one, the Colombians and we are asking more because Colombian calls for respect but there deme.Qu (Kiaya ): where to get a Colombian always going to look at what’s for him, this comes from “what to give.” What was (kiubo): What happened What I miss Colombian respect is not lost or moved to a cot. What has been (kiabido): truth, is a formality because the Colombian usually little interested in what has been, the Colombian is interested in what hoy.Tonces: The Colombian is challenging by nature, the conflict takes on blood.Cough: same as above, a little haughty Aha, and what: the coastal only occur to them and greet, there came the answer: “what about what or why.” But if you want advice to recognize a Colombian abroad, consider the following: – If you see a guy walking with absolute certainty, looking to not eat anything or anyone and suddenly hits his forehead with his hand and immediately ran back where he came from, the fixed rate is a Colombian who was left with the keys or left the gas turned on.

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Business Plan

The document refers to planning in the sense of drawing a road map of the business, which guide us toward specific goals in specific time limits, otherwise go without this plan, “giving a blind man shovels, resolving situations when presented with time without having reviewed the different alternatives and forecasting. Dennis Carey The business opportunity goes hand in hand with two essential aspects: the ability to timely identify market needs and the viability and ability to meet that need. Example: At this time due to the global situation that occurs with AV1H1 virus (swine flu), the market has the need to be provided with face masks, if I find a supplier that provided me a good price these facemasks’ll second element. Without a vendor with which to meet the need would only have 50 of the opportunity and me nothing.This course is accompanied by other aspects such as: Marketing, Access Capital, sales strategies, among others. For all types of business and / or project is needed before the need to detect and create the opportunity, it is common for people to believe based business opportunity, but is more complex and exhausting as they should from creating the need not well being when this already exists. This basically is the purpose of marketing which detects and / or create the need in the area before it reaches the product. No, the business plan is essentially a vehicle for raising capital or a condition, that we could define as an added value thereof, as investors demand it because this way to know where your money goes, it is very difficult an investor invests from an idea, the business plan is the idea that structuring purposes, strategic plan, timelines, sales and advertising strategies clear and concrete. The Business Plan is the trip log is a business and what we should first do before embarking on any type of company. This would be important even in our lives as a strategic plan or plan of life or whatever you want to call.

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In 1971, during

In 1971, during the government of President Salvador Allende, is beginning to develop an innovative system in Chile cyber management and information transfer. The project was Cybersyn cyber synergy or SYNCO, information and control system. In the area of corporate social ownership of the Chilean government would implement a system for transferring financial information to “almost” real time with the government. After nationalizing and attach various socially owned enterprises to the state, the economic system of the Allende government faced the need to coordinate information from existing companies and newly nationalized state. To achieve this, one needs to create an information transfer system dynamic and flexible. In 1970, Fernando Flores was appointed Director General Technical CORFO (Corporation for the Promotion of Production of Chile). Became responsible for the management and coordination between the nationalized companies and state.He knew the theories and the solutions proposed by the British Beer Stafford since he was an engineering student and his subsequent relationship with the consulting firm of Stafford Beer SIGMA. With Ra l Espejo, who also worked at CORFO and later became operational director of the project, wrote a letter to Stafford Beer in order to invite Chile to implement in the VSM (viable system model), the model described in his book The Brain OF THE FIRM (Allen Lane, London, 1972). Beer agreed and the project began development in 1971. After nearly two years of work and unimagined progress, the cyber-government project was approved by President Salvador Allende to be implemented at the La Moneda Palace. Because of the military coup of 11 September 1973, or Synco Cybersyn was never implemented and was aborted irrevocably, frustrating one of the political projects and more advanced cyber era in the world.

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Sources spreadsheets saw

Sources spreadsheets saw in 1961 the concept of an electronic spreadsheet in Article Budgeting Models and System Simulation by Richard Mattessich. Pardo and Landau deserve some cr for such programs, and actually tried to patent (U.S. patent number 4,398,249) some of the algorithms in 1970. The patent was not granted by the patent office for being a purely mathematical invention. Pardo and Landau won a court case stating that “something no longer be patentable merely because the point of novelty is an algorithm. This case helped start of software patents. Dan Bricklin is the generally accepted inventor of the spreadsheet. Bricklin told the story of a college professor who made a table of calculations on a board.When the professor found an error, had to erase and rewrite a lot of very tedious steps, triggering Bricklin to think that could replicate the process on a computer, using the paradigm board / spreadsheet to see the results of the formulas involved in the process. His idea became VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet, and “critical application” that made the PC (personal computer or computer) would no longer be just a hobby for computer enthusiasts to become also a tool in business and in companies.

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was founded in

was founded in January 1966 by Ignacio Guerra Pellegaud CP-co-founder of the Universidad del Valle de Mexico and former president of the Federation of Private Mexican Institutions of Higher Education (FIMPES) – initiating operations at home on Avenida Chapultepec No. 142 Mexico City, initially providing Degree in Business Administration, Accounting and two years later opened its first permanent campus on Avenida Marina Nacional No. 162. In 1970, Race begins Surgeon dentist, same that would be one of the highlights of that institution.By 1975, joining the university careers Tourism Business Administration, Marketing, Finance and Economics. Similarly, sets their graduate studies with specializations in Marketing, Human Resource Management, Financial Management and Industrial Operations . In the late ’70s, the school opens the UNITEC, however, suspended its operations for 1982 so momentary. That same year he began to teach the Law degree, and three years later, the Bachelor in Computer Management.In 1990, he opened the second campus of Unitec, Cuitlahuac, in North Street No. 67 in the San Salvador Xochimancas that by 1994, are concluded in full its facilities with six buildings. This new campus provides first School of Engineering with the careers of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Communications, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and also joined Degree in Architecture and Graphic Design.In turn, the program was restored and teaching High School. In January and September 1992 were added to the campus career in Computer Systems Engineering and Information Administration, respectively. On 25 August 1997 started its operations on South Campus High School hosting facilities, Degree, Specialization and Continuing Education. The campus was built on an area of 23,000 sqm, which were found during construction, archaeological remains of the Mexica culture. 6 On 31 August 1999, it opened the Campus Atizap n, located in Atizapan de Zaragoza, Mexico State. Its facilities, as well as South Campus, projected programs for high school students, undergraduate, specialty and continuing education.Atizap n campus sits on what was once an extensive health club. The first stage of construction was completed in 1999, completed in full the university campus buildings set to serve a capacity of about 12,000 students . The project of the campus is planned in two stages occupy a total area of 21 hectares and 82,000 square meters of construction. On 30 September 2002, opens on campus also Ecatepec Mexico State teaching plan school and twelve degrees. In 2004, campuses were opened simultaneously Coyoacan in Mexico City, Zapopan in Jalisco state and Summits in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. In September 2002 the degree plan (superior) from the UNITEC received confirmation of registration to the Program and Administrative Simplification Standard Plans and Programs of Study Academic Excellence by the Ministry of Education.This the accration as an institution of academic excellence by the secretariat. In 2006, commemorating the 40th anniversary of the UNITEC, held a chair in the doctors Mario J. Molina and Frank Sherwood Rowland, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995, which addressed the theme Sustainable Development and Ecology, global warming and climate change in the Campus Atizap n. That same year, the school (middle top) of the UNITEC received confirmation of registration to the Program and Administrative Simplification Standard Plans and Programs of Study Academic Excellence by the Ministry of Education. Also in 2006, was accred UNITEC Dentistry’s career by the National Council on Dental Education (CONAEDO).In 2007, degrees in business administration from Cuitlahuac Campus, South Campus Marketing, Finance and Accounting Atizap n Campus Campus Ecatepec, received accration by the CACEC (Accration Council on the Teaching of Accounting and Administration) in May 2008, the company Laureate Education Inc.

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“The learning and skills development”

“The learning and skills development” Good evening master Oscar colleagues 61 the group invite you to read my work and leave your comment Traditionally it has developed the idea that in a classroom develops a teaching-learning process, which ultimately gives the learner a competition to develop a productive activity within the labor field. But the idea of competition gives us to think there is a link between business and labor, and makes us think that academic competition is being displaced by operational competence. Do not forget that the guarantees will be competent to perform an activity within the parameters required by the competition and being competitive takes you to the brink of losing or winning. This can be dangerous because schools may end up transforming the training is now assumed to be an intelligent and ethical training to serve in an automated and efficient training to win. When we speak of learning should focus not only thinking in the acquisition of new knowledge in the brain should rather think of personal identity and the transformation of the subject. Also when it comes to meaningful learning is very relative because when compared to what a student remembers what interests you about his girlfriend like the telephone, the day of the appointment or the date when he started dating as compared with significant learning which the student is also learning that not significant This is where we think “Learning is so trivial that you can observe and measure based on some simple questions regarding and containing any The answer is obviously no. Learning located on facts of reality at times cause more confusion than answers to what is needed to acquire. If we talk about these skills can be defined by Perrenoud as a capacity to act effectively in a definite type of situation, an ability that relies on knowledge, but not limited to, the view that knowledge are representations of reality , we have built and assembled according to our experience and our training, and therefore provides a substantial difference between this and that, since powers for himself, only use, integrate, mobilize knowledge. But sometimes the skills are out of box and for example a doctor must have something more than simple competition reads Perrenoud clinical competencies of a physician goes far beyond memorization and recall promptly secure the relevant theories, the less each time the situation comes from the routine and demands relate, interpret, interpolate, infer, invent, in short, complex mental operations whose organization can only be built on reality, according to expert knowledge and schemes as well as its view of the situation. In a collaborative group in society is developing the following definition for competence “Competence is the ability to mobilize knowledge in a particular context, in action and successfully, to meet needs, deal with situations, solve problems, make decisions and / or achieve objectives. We can therefore conclude that mobilize knowledge and skills therefore need the skills to assert that this knowledge somehow have previous knowledge. If we talk about the schemes is necessary that these schemes are sometimes broken by way of paradigms in order to get on live because sometimes not being complements a desirable definition of competition, because the value and attitude in a more defined pragmatic competence. We conclude that this issue is not a finished matter but would count as written by some people who are dedicated to develop software of any kind including free software the website is under construction. Sincerely Ing

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Ekeh 2.0 is

Ekeh 2.0 is the name of the movie made for companies Motion Pixel Corporation (USA) and Pritish Nandy Communications (India). As they learn Flex Studies on its official website, are in the final processes so that the movie can be enjoyed in this year. It is certainly a historic event for the animation industry “tico” and worth to keep track of these artists, and having in its portfolio several productions of good quality and really demanding markets. For Quinema Animation is proud to witness the achievements of the company’s Flex Studio compatriot and friend. Not wishing success for others to follow! If you want to know more about their work can access their website:

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