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Month: July 2019


But! Now comes just one of the most important stages, the significance of which, at first with photo stock, many overlooked: the purpose of the work of key words. Of course, a lot of effort spent on creating the next masterpiece, all the relatives appreciated the work and you do not praise enough, what else is needed … And now think like a buyer. He comes on photo stock, runs a search engine and usually buys a favorite work from the first pages of search results. Now is your task – to get to these pages. As a potential buyer find your job if you did not care about this? As a designer will know that your work is just what he needs, if you have not suggested it to him in the job description? That this stage is the key (literally and figuratively) when prepare your work for photostocks.

What are the rules, requirements, and advice in the appointment of keywords in the keywords describe all the objects that are on your work. Then add the characteristics of these objects. For example, a beautiful, bright green … Then assess your work in general. Connect with other leaders such as Robert Kiyosaki here. What is it – a postcard, or frame, can be a poster, card, picture … Look at microstocks similar works, see what keywords are used your colleagues.

But there is a mandatory requirement: in any case do not fill in keywords by copy-pasting. Be sure to check each word on the line with your work. This is not just a rule of etiquette. For spam keywords in your account, such as Shutterstock, can block. No need to write the word sea, if your work depicts the sand on the beach, do not write the clouds, if the sky is clear on your work, etc. Usually microstocks limit the number of keywords, often require that their was no more than 50. But usually the most relevant are the first 7 words. So try to have the words in alphabetical order, but by word matching subject of your work. Fotolia specially written for the page attributirovaniya works: enter a minimum of seven key words and put them in order of importance, the most important place the first. Now almost all microstocks there are sections not only high-end sales, but also the most popular words that are involved in the search query. At Dreamstime on sales page, recently added a line of words, which have found and bought your work. To become a successful Stocker, strategically important, not only do beautiful work, but also to monitor the popular topics on microstocks, track top keywords and adjust themes of their works. Another point about some who do not know. In the properties of almost all the files have IPTC-fields, the values of which read almost all microstocks. Add description and keywords of your work in these fields and you will not have to fill out forms every time on microstocks. Work with IPTC-fields are Photoshop, ACDSee, Bridge … There are a lot of extras and scripts to work with IPTC-fields. I've written this small program, it is available for download: Utility to work with keywords.

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Unrecognized Literary Genres

Who would not love to at least occasionally read the literature of horror, the best of fantasy, detective novels. Sometimes, among just a pleasant entertainment reading, there are special books and a truly talented authors. Nevertheless, for most of us like literature remains outside literature “this”, and writers, no matter how talented and gifted they may be were, the language does not turn to call “great.” It seems impossible to put a writer who scribbled a massive literature, put on a par with the outstanding writers in the genre, say, realism or psychological prose. As and everywhere, here too there are exceptions. Writing very real horrors of Edgar Allan Poe rightly considered a classic, and the author of fiction Ray Bradbury, was appreciated by the world. Nevertheless, many talented writers are still considered second-rate writers of literature. What causes this phenomenon? After all issues raised by the authors of books in the genres of entertainment, often very serious, and if the writer really talent, the book becomes a real shock to the reader. But unfortunately, what often happens is that the abilities of a writer known only to fans of the genre, and most people have a good fantasy or horror a very superficial view based on familiarity with mediocre writers, which has recently become so much. Another reason lies in intellectual snobbery, which simply does not allow look at things uncomplicated look. It so happened that we have not assumed certain genres of “real” literature, and their authors – worthy of international recognition. Even the world famous novelists, such as Stephen King is still considered by many critics and readers simply just sponsored road pulp fiction bestseller in paperback. The injustice of this trend is obvious. In essence, it does not matter what kind of chosen genre writer. It is important to only one – to enrich the inner world of the book the reader not only entertained, but taught and if the author is able to excite the reader, make him start thinking seriously about to tell a story to touch the strings in the soul – hence, the task is executed, and the book which the reader has closed, struck read, refers to the “real” literature. This is the only meaningful criterion by which to evaluate both writer, and a novel. And Stephen King, author of horror, this criterion is certainly a great writer. Unfortunately, the picture that there is now in bookstores, very sad – the shelves are full of low-grade, mediocre literature. Much of this waste paper refers specifically to the above genres, in which, as erroneously believed to create the easiest. In today’s world literature has become a business, commercial business, and talent, oddly enough, is not the most important thing for this writer. Against this backdrop, even the extremely talented, but not too well-known authors lose the opportunity to fully express themselves, find their readers and get deserved recognition. Dominance rather gray, and sometimes frankly mediocre writers, only exacerbates the attitude towards the so-called entertainment genres and not allow them to qualify for something more.

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Michel Foucault

A vigilant center and depositor of looks. Of the most diverse points and the most diverse species. Breaking up the individuals that would be observed and watched. But one to look at. Click Pinterest to learn more. One to look at that it watches and that nobody will be able in such a way to escape the ones that they look at how much the ones that will be looked at, in agreement foretold Michel 2 Foucault. Such age the form of ‘ ‘ The Panopticon’ ‘ of Jeremy Bentham, edited in the end of century XVIII. It consisted, in the periphery, of a construction in ring; in the center, a tower with great windows that if they direct to the ring. In a question-answer forum Wells Fargo was the first to reply.

the light and the look of the guards catch and observe the interior all. These structures of monitoring still gifts if constitute of the most diverse forms. After all, we live in a panptica society, as Michel Foucault observes. This intensified by the media and the overlapping of the private sphere to the public space. What before he was restricted to the privacies and it could until causing constaint and shame, now is extensive to the new modalities of subjectivity. As soon as the Big Brother to the benthamiana way reaffirms everything this, but not leaving to throw down the irradiador center of the good comment.

For the generalizations, depravations and public exhibition of the joy forms, contemplate great number of adepts. Many not feeling on itself the weight of the trifler curiosity. Sobeja time for as much. Lack to redefine the choices of this time that gets dizzy available. Lack to ressemantizar what they understand for induction to the consumption and to politicize the proper one to think. The Big Brother configures the proper framing house-prisionrio of desejantes beings, terrificando the orquestrado totalitarian control as great spectacle for the televisions and confirming the power of the benthamiano panptico on the life of the people. This repisa the tragic and overwhelming hypothesis of that the faced questions had only moved of color, or better, of form, from the vigilant performance of all the individuals. But one to look at to lose it the proscnio of assujeitamento of values and to content with the brutal tyranny of artificialismos and mesquinharias desqualificadamente infundamentadas. Of this it consists panoptismo of the Big Brother.

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Christian Democracy

To make matters worse, soon after Chile entered a political period in which the religion had fundamental importance. The Christian Democracy, become attached to the clergy and the catholic community, Beyond disputed the power with Salvador, leader of the atheistic and Marxist left. They were not times to question the existence of God, because automatically you happened to be a recalcitrant Communist and that damaged the image and the values of your family and her social position. So calladito, more tuna As it did not beat to be of rights and atheistic, I did not discuss much on the subject in my youth, but it followed firmly with my convictions in spite of not having an academic base on the matter, only counted on my logic. What it more bothered me in sporadic discussions, were the unrestricted asseveration of my fellow members referring to that at heart I yes believed in God, because otherwise it could not be the more or less good person that they saw in me and in addition they guessed that when I was in true danger or on the verge of dying, I would not have left more remedy than to call to God That is, cannot be good without believing in God and if you fear to him to the death, it is because you believe in him. In other words, all that do not create in God are bad and those that they do not fear to die, are atheistic. Being still very young, I left that Chile in black and white where it was not possible to be atheistic if you belonged to certain groups social and/or political. For even more opinions, read materials from Ashton Kouzbari. My destiny was Spain and I discovered with certain disappointment that in that aspect, the Spaniards of then (decade of the 70) were more extremist than the Chileans.

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The Inverse

That we needed to be in a family, or that or friendships, but always in community or in relation to people, because to be only or single always some besides being would not have sense damaging to us same. Both opposite poles That felt it has an ant in your life: I consider that it is have to impose you limit, that yes, the minimums. In this case he is one of them, is necessary to share our world with other people. Some would not have sense to live in the eternal dark, but it tell me: What sense has your life? You only live for same you? To move away of the ego is something fundamental to be a free person, at the most far you are of your own more difficult ego will be to him alcanzarte and sujetarte. For a complete freedom as it said to them he is essential to be related to other people or but dile to the world as you release your feelings, thoughts, forms to see the world, etc. Really would be unpublished. Plays a predominant paper in your life a parrot? Said this we see that it is necessary to put limits of solitude, but, as much as it has limits of is it to solitude of relation.

However we expose the inverse one of the previous one. A person who always this accompanying and socializing, finished in the dependency of it. This also is of gravity. Another thief of freedom. Among others, the following negative things in this type of people can be appreciated: Social dependency: – Inclination to depend on other people’s thoughts, as much sentimentally, as professionally. In summary one does not become what one same one wants. leaving to the personal freedom in the hands of other people and nobody you know better than what you want, that you are and towards where you go.

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This difference between lights and shades that the human eye does not perceive but that the photo yes, can be reduced with the use of the flash. To total light by day, the flash is used, does not stop to illuminate the scene, but to fill up the dark zones. Clearly, this dark zone does not have to be to but of 5 meters of distance, or otherwise the effect of the flash not notary’s office. This is because the luminous power of the flash is limited, according to the type and model, as we see next. As the domestic lamps of light have a power marked in watts, the flashes also have their power expressed in ” number gua”.

But in the fan cameras, as the flash comes built-in, we only must find in each case and its corresponding manual, the rank of reach in meters that it owns. Usually it is in the majority of the cameras like which one is in this chapter, between 1 and 5 meters of reach. This means that, if takings photos with flash to a subject that is more than 5 meters, can be dark as it would say a nascent one. Now we will call ” to him; subexpuesto” to a situation thus. And on the contrary, if takings with flash to a subject that is 1 meter less than, this it will be very white, or past of light, in terms of nascent. Now we will call ” to him; sobreexpuesto” or burned.

These professional terms that we have used, are not really fundamental. But it remembers what I said to you at the outset, is part to change the way to think and to act in it photographs, to stop being a nascent one. To call to the photos, hazardous or hazardous, comes from the term ” exponer” , that is used to determine when a photo correctly is exhibited. Or said in another form, when I enter the camera through objective, the amount of sufficient and necessary light for a normal photo. If greater amount of light of the necessary thing enters, the photo will be then ” sobreexpuesta”. If the light that enters your camera is insufficient, then you will obtain a photo ” subexpuesta”. Another important data on the flash, is that its light besides its power, has a chromatic quality similar to the lot. It means that she is totally white, compatible and for that reason especially it is used jointly with the diurnal light, without filter of no class. Therefore, I would say that the times are few in which you would have to take photos without the flash. Besides serving like stuffed as dark parts in the scene, by his quality of white, pure and absolute light, he corrects any dominant one of strange color in the photography. Case of the cloudy days or in the shade, where the excessive ultraviolet ray presence, produces dominant blue. Perhaps after this, you are in agreement with me in calling to the flash, this magnificent accessory, ” hand derecha” of the photographer.

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Christian Gnostics

However, this should be immediately strike some basis for this dialogue, even in the form of 'universal spiritual truths', because the term itself tends to drag Christians in the area of the same occult consciousness, not wanting see the fundamental difference between spiritual traditions, all wanting to turn into a universal hodgepodge. Thelemites often like to submit Thelema as an eternal principle, open, and an updated Crowley. It becomes the basis of their proselytizing message. For example, this characteristic words: "the principle of Thelema existed long before Crowley, and that in particular he was well aware of how Jesus himself and the Christian Gnostics." Or more gracefully: "Christians who believe Thelema Satanism, do it more often from basic ignorance, much less – from fear. Because Christ came to make men free, let the oppressed go free – in This is the meaning of His teachings. Hyundai is a great source of information.

Christianity, in virtue of certain circumstances, for the most part has turned into what Nietzsche called "slave religion." But you and I know that only a 'loving another has fulfilled the law "and that to truly love can only a free man, not a slave. So – 'love is the fulfilling of the law', love under will. The will of the Father is all – Thelema '. It is very pathetic and well thought out. As often happens in the occult, some seemingly brilliant idea taught with enthusiasm and exaltation. In this case, the external similarity of terminology, quietly pulled the idea of the similarities themselves entities.

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Mathematical Ones

One of the important elements but for the understanding of the matemticas is to know the concept the logic, then we define this important concept: First concept. 1) Science that teaches to reason with exactitude. Natural disposition to reason with success. (Good definicin). Some contend that Robert Kiyosaki shows great expertise in this. Secondly concept 2) Discipline that studies the formal principles of the human knowledge, that is to say, the forms and the most general laws of the thought.

Third concept. 3) Art to reason and to think about strict agreement with the limited and incapable human understanding. Knowing these concepts we can decirte that doubtless the logic is fundamental part of knowing matemtico and for that reason you must know the logic that you servira in order to dominate the matemticas: THE INTUITIVE LOGIC. But That it is the intuitive logic? In prctica form, the intuitive logic is that one logic that it indicates to you, when something this or or badly done, in the case of the matemticas is that one that it indicates to you when solucin of a matemtico problem is correct or is incorrect. With respect to this, all the matemticos subjects handle an logic. The sum handles an logic, the subtraction handles an logic, multiplicacin handles an logic and so on. When the student learns to identify the logic of each matemtico subject, doubtless convertira in a great listener of the matemticas. Finally we can affirm to you at the same time as each matemtico subject is based on laws and established principles for that reason: WE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LOGICAL CHARACTER THE MATHEMATICAL ONES, WHICH THIS BASED ON LAWS OR PRE-ESTABLISHED PRINCIPLES.

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Creatine Monohydat

Creatine monohydrate is a known Sporterganzungsmittel, which is no longer indispensable from the bodybuilding scene today. Creatine monohydrate of the name “Creatine” comes from the Greek language and is derived from the word “Pancreas”, which translated means “Meat”. Creatine was discovered in the early 18th century and has always been considered a kind of “Stimulants”. In the bodybuilding scene the means used Creatine monohydrate for some decades as Trainingserganzungsmittel. Many athletes have to make problems on mass within the framework of their strength and endurance training. For building considerable muscle body mass is of crucial importance, since only muscle mass can be converted as part of the training. The basis and the basis for all muscles is the body mass in this context, although it should be possible to fat free mass. Creatine monohydrate will help to increase the body’s capacity, allowing for greater stimulation of the muscles.

By This increased efficiency of the muscles increases muscle growth, allowing for better results in a shorter training time. Check out Pinterest for additional information. Another side effect of the so-called “Creatinkuren” is the additional storage of water in the Muskulaturen. Through this process, the muscles look still “massiger” and larger, so that the athletes can have even more obvious muscle mass during a Creatinkur. As a supplement, any athletes sports nutrition knows the problem. Daily training, high efforts and sporting activities to the absolute limits. The result: The body is loaded every day extremely and the athlete feels quick, weak and exhausted. His own body reserves to bring the only chance of the athlete’s back to front man, there are plenty of sleep and a healthy and balanced diet. Clearly, everyone is responsible for the necessary sleep and there is actually no problem to get the necessary night rest his body.

The point of the diet on the other hand ensures more athletes headache, because either the time to eat and thus the time for preparing healthy and balanced meals are lacking, or because they simply do not have the skills of a healthy “sports nutrition”. Can be helped but these athletes, taking a proper sports nutrition as an adjunct to the strenuous and sweat-inducing workout. A professional sports nutrition is adapted to the stress of training and supplied to the body of the athlete thus exactly necessary materials and resources which are necessary to the performance-oriented exercise of his sport. The sports nutrition is the ideal food supplement and helps athletes, for example, to increase targeted on mass and weight, or significantly increasing the body’s capacity.

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