In the following link you can find some videos about the most important achievements of Governor Antonio Rodr guez San Juan, of his tenure as governor of Vargas State during the years from 2000 to 2008. To access the videos, please click the link below clip, or copi lelo in your browser:
Month: February 2010
Technology and development The core of any CRM strategy is the database. To begin the development of a good database is advised to develop a club of the firm, although much data can be generated with conventional communication strategies such as graphics, radio, television, e-mailing, Advertisement, etc.. In this case, the focus of the strategy should be how to manage your contacts arising from the implementation of the disclosure. What are database marketing The foundations of marketing are designed to load and store customer profiles with more subjective data such as, what you like doing in your spare time, what type of food consumed, and so on., Data that are focused on being able to develop a profile client so that we can provide an offer that is really made for him. This is why direct marketing strategies based on CRM development are so successful worldwide. Customer focus is increasingly important.The aim is to give customers what they need and when you need it. Online CRM software is, according to consultants and specialists, which in the near future will reveal the detail better, anticipate their needs and demand from where we are, sharing information. One of the biggest problems for companies operating a CRM product is the high cost of these commercial products, additional licenses as an operating system and especially the high cost of implementation and commissioning, fortunately there are also several projects in CRM systems GPL licensed. Also, in recent years, is having tremendous success using CRM in “On Demand” so you do not need to purchase servers or software to buy but simply “rent” the whole system and accessed the same to through the Internet.
ETHICS OF INFORMATION The Ethics of Information Technology (EI) is a discipline that seeks to open new field in applied ethics and has emerged strongly from a few years ago in the Anglo world. The remote origins of IE is on increasing mass introduction of computers in many areas of our social life increasingly computerized. Many professions claim for themselves in particular ethics which may be subject to specific moral problems of the profession or occupational activity. The existence of the IE has as its starting point the fact that computers pose special ethical issues and therefore different from other technologies.In the computing profession is to move from the simple application of general ethical criteria to the development of an ethics of the profession itself. Ethical codes of professional associations and software companies are going in that direction. THE COMPUTER PROFESSION The Computer is a very new profession.In little more than three decades, its practitioners have sought status, social recognition and definition of the profession, in short, find his place in the system of professions.
History The etymology of the word ‘organic’ means that appropriate organs, related to life, as opposed to “inorganic”, that would be the term assigned to all that is lifeless. They were given the name of organics in the nineteenth century by the belief that they could only be synthesized by living organisms. The theory that organic compounds were fundamentally different from “inorganic”, was disproved with the synthesis of urea, a compound “organic” by definition as found in the urine of living organisms made from synthetic cyanate Potassium and ammonium sulfate by Friedrich W hler (in W hler synthesis). Carbon compounds which are still considered inorganic are those that already were before the time of W hler, ie those found from sources without life, “inorganic”, such as minerals.
Other projects in the same sense of reality Income Today Universal is not the same as in 1997, there have been several relevant projects with current parliamentary state, including one of the Socialist Party (Dip. Silvia Augsburger), two of the Front for Victoria (Sen. Ellen Fixed, Dep. H ctor Recalde) of the Radical Civic Union (Sen. Ernesto Sanz), Social Meeting People (Dip. Merchan) and Buenos Aires for All (Dip. Claudio Lozano). In this sense, the Study Center for Equality (CEPI) of the youth of the ARI, did some research on the substantial differences between the various projects submitted in connection with Universal Income.
Unscheduled decision also called unstructured, are decisions that are taken into problems or situations that occur infrequently, or those that require a specific process model or solution, for example, “Launching a new product to market,” in such decisions is necessary to follow a decision making model to generate a specific solution for this particular problem. Decisions unscheduled address problems rare or exceptional. If a problem has not been presented with sufficient frequency to a policy that covers you or if it is so important that it deserves special treatment, should be managed as a non-programmed decision. Problems such as allocating resources in an organization, what to do with a production line that failed, how to improve relations with the community-indeed, the most important problems facing the manager – normally require non-programmed decisions.An example of how Nike would design and market footwear for basketball, more modern and advanced.
Planned Preventive Activity Following the risk assessment process and on the assumption that there is a need to control risk, the pooled services of prevention will clearly show the situations where it is necessary to take preventive or protective measures and the type thereof, and periodic monitoring to be applied. For those cases where the initial risk assessment reveal situations of risk, preventive activities will be planned by the pooled services of Prevention, in collaboration with the Head of Prevention and Prevention Delegates, including for each preventive activity within to carry it out, and the designation of human and material resources needed for their implementation. The employer shall ensure the effective implementation of prevention activities including planning, by conducting continuous monitoring of the same.Such monitoring is voiced in the meetings of the Management Committee, the Committee on Safety and Health, and from day to day tasks of the Head of Prevention.
Final disposition The disposal of this waste is not easy, if it is less hazardous waste they can be incinerated to no less than 850 C in places approved by the Health Authority, if it is very hazardous waste have to confine a secure landfill, which is a great package of special cement container and buried in an area defined by environmental framework law and duly restricted perimeter. This place of confinement must be located in areas free of faults, far from stable and alluvial areas, population, mining or industrial activity, far from public transit routes or volcanic activity with a known history of at least 100 years. In addition there should be no groundwater or water bodies within 5 km of the place. Many nations and industries confined their wastes in drums and dumped into the sea in the past, today this bad behavior has changed gradually as it creates awareness about the environment.Radioactive waste character, have a very specialized treatment, usually are contained in packages covered with a thick layer of lead or coal and are arranged in pools cemented in places such as solitary deserts, islands or at sea in confined indestructible packaging . His control is very strict and permanent.
1 .- EXPLAIN WHAT IS WIDELY TERM “Soft technology” and as applied in INDUSTRY. Technology as soft: Those which are used to organize working groups and the performance of each member during the performance of technical processes. For example those used in the selection, control and supervision of employees. Also included in this category of technologies used to manage expenses and income of a company or doing public relations with other organizations and institutions. The soft technologies applicable to enterprises in which their product is not tangible object, aim to improve the functioning of the institutions or organizations to fulfill their goals. These organizations can be industrial, commercial or services or institutions, or nonprofit.