How to make the breakthrough to the cult brand? How can the degree of migration between the possible and the impossible? How to talk to people for tomorrow’s market? Answers to these complex questions have the hosts of the communication, advertising, communications and marketing experts. Therefore, the West German Academy for communication e.V. (CTE) has the evening course communication host”on the program. The two-year course of the CTE is specifically aimed at those who want to learn the entire range of modern advertising communication part-time. Under appropriate conditions the course also serves as a preparation for the Chamber of Commerce exam advertising specialist (IHK) “.” In the over 950 hours of instruction, participants are thoroughly prepared to all needs of the communications industry. In addition, the students have their know how to demonstrate the possibility of using a real task.
Thus, the aspiring professional hosts of the CTE developed concepts in recent years including for Bayer, continental and Sony. This includes always the presentation of their work prior to the contracting authority. This is left to complex problems to solve by committed companies and organizations, which act as topic sponsor and students possible. A real win-win situation: On the one hand the topic sponsors receive a wealth of innovative concepts of the students and on the other hand the students are given the chance you can already during his studies proved to be. The professional areas of application are very versatile. Whether in an advertising agency, an advertising manager of a company or an organization or a PR, promotion, multimedia, or event agency communication experts are in demand everywhere. The CTE – West German Academy for communication e.V. Since 1956 she turns by companies and agencies in the life called and recognised as CTE e.V.
of the task, the next generation for the communications industry high-quality professional and practical training. Today, about 80 companies, media, support Agencies and associations the educational mission of the Association through their membership. So far, over 10,000 participants have completed their studies at the CTE and are predominantly found in positions of responsibility in the communication industry. In the areas of communication and marketing the CTE offers currently 12 courses in evening, day – or Wochenendform, where currently just under 400 students are enrolled. Nationwide, the CTE thus occupies a leading position.