Success is not determined only by knowledge of verbal or numerical skills but also for the management of emotions. A study in an engineering company of Malaga concludes that the productive people and those with higher wages are those with higher emotional intelligence. The term Emotional Intelligence, coined in 1997 by Professors Mayer and Salovey, went around the world thanks to the popularity of the book of Daniel Goleman’s “Emotional Intelligence”. Having a great understanding of oneself and the ability to understand others translates into more effective, to manage and handle labor relations, family and upbringing. This is the foundation of Emotional Intelligence, a tool is increasing in the world of the company. The study AERTEC Engineering and Development Ltd. in collaboration with the University of Malaga aims to establish the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and the rest of the variables that predict success in today’s business professional. , human resources director of this company of 160 employees, 80 per cent of whom are technical graduates, reported that higher scores on the Emotional Intelligence were people with higher productivity. Similarly, he adds, people with higher wages are more emotionally intelligent people and those in positions of greater responsibility are more productive, are considered happier and have more emotional skills. These findings, says the study, which depart from the management and decision making are done under purely logical criteria and respond to conventional reason, but the significant decisions in the hands of people flexible and more developed emotional skills than other people. Del Campo believes that in today’s organizations “the only constant feature is the continuous change, which requires a great deal of flexibility, and that’s where Emotional Intelligence plays an important role. This also highlights the need for specialized training in business, which justifies investment in training and business development, adds del Campo. Social intelligence Participate in a course in Emotional Intelligence is the beginning of a process that ensures changes, which do not occur overnight
Month: January 2010
Thanks to all attendees who gathered in the hall The Bank to collaborate with the nursery Kdol Cambodian Lue. Thanks to your support has been able to raise the amount of 1060 . The amount continues to increase every day with the purchase of gifts that could not be distributed at the event. Soon is scheduled to update the site with relevant information about the mission and the projects being carried out in the near future. Detailed results: Caja Madrid Bank account: 60 Drinks and gifts on the feast: 800 Gifts: 200 For people who want to continue supporting the initiative are available where a bank account to make donations. More information in the “Grants and donations.” A first achievable goal would be that every employee contributes just a uro each month, making for example a semi-annual income of 6 . There is also another possibility. The organization of this project meets quarterly to a group of volunteers who fitted on a bicycle home collected donations limited in the community of Madrid. The next gathering is set for next April 4.To register as a permanent collaborator send an email to rvirumbrales to be included in the staff section of this website. For us it means nothing, and for them is a breath of future and hope. Thank you very much everybody. (Contribute your opinion Add Comment)
Historical tourism itself, born in the nineteenth century as a consequence of the Industrial Revolution, with displacements as primary intention is recreation, leisure, culture, health, business or family relationships. These movements are characterized by their purpose of other types of travel motivated by war, migration, conquest, trade, among others. However tourism has clear historical precedents.
Hibernate Hibernate is an object persistence service / relations and consultations for Java. Hibernate makes it easy for developers to create persistent classes using the Java language – including association, inheritance, polymorphism and composition and the Java collections environment.
Erwin M ller M ller Jesus Flores, aka Erwin M ller, is a science writer Mexican nutritionist, international speaker and author of over 20 books on health and nutrition, among which “La Comida to save his life,” “The Fat Magic “” Vitamin Exceptional “,” Good Nutrition: Zero Heart Attack “,” The Diabetic Gourmet “and” miracle foods “among others. He acquired notoriety in the late 1990s, having appeared on radio and television as part of the public relations campaign sponsored by Random House to promote the titles published under the seal Grijalbo. Erwin Moller is a staunch defender of the use of vitamins and food supplements, therefore, has also accepted appear in mass media consumption and promoting their well advised to manufacturers in developing new products.He has also trained several dealers outside network marketing companies. For 30 years he was responsible for the sections on “Health” and “Science and Technology” magazine content. Erwin Moller is a close relative of advertisers and marketers. For the area in which it plays, most people refer to him as “doctor”, mistaking doctor, but in reality is a biochemist, specializing in nutrition.
As you all know this crisis started in the United States of America to mortgages. For many years the property values were rising constantly, therefore the business was quite profitable, and banks to increase their portfolios of customers reduced the criteria or conditions for granting mortgage loans, and can thus reach other target. Parallel to that, and in order to have cash flow and continue, the bank has mortgages with financial instruments called mortgage-backed securities that were sold in the financial markets in the world with other banks, pension funds, insurers and investors. The whole problem began when property prices stopped rising and in some cases began to drop.In view of claims that were awarded with few guarantees for the acquisition of property, and often paid to people who were unemployed or did not credit conditions, and many people realized that lowering the value of homes owed more money to the bank than their properties were worth, then stopped paying their mortgages.This ocacion that holders of mortgage-backed securities began to panic and sell their bonds, causing a stampede of sales, bringing as consequences of these bonds have been sold for up to 35 of its value. Faced with this crisis and the economy (internal) moving further Australian Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has taken a series of measures, including increasing the First Home Bonus of 7,000 to 21,000 and from December 8 give some Christmas bonuses to pensioners, who have children ( 1,000 each) to the disabled, among others.
University of Paraguay Commoners Commoners University of Paraguay. Dennis Carey In 1966, two visionaries, Mernes Dona Beatriz Prieto and Dr. Justo P. Prieto, founded in Paraguay, the International Higher Institute of Public Relations (ISIRP) with the collaboration of Dr. Arnaldo Martinez Mussi, as secretary general and Dr. Martin Ruben Llano, exercising the role of Director of courses. Thus began the first time, organized teaching of Public Relations in Paraguay. The teaching activity was subsequently extended to other areas: the Faculty of Management Faculty of Agriculture and Tourism Development. Commoners University is the fruit achieved by a set of academics and students who felt the need to have a space for independent study and research, serious and objective reality of national public and private, allowing them to bring the results thus obtained their enterprises and institutions.Their curricula, programs and education system were set up in basis for later, the National Government through Decree No. 13,924 dated 18 June 1992, recognize and raise the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University category with the designation of University Commoners (UCOM). In 1995 he created the School of Social Economy (FES) with races of Sciences and Cooperative Security. Later, this same faculty joined the race Syllabus of Banking and Finance, empowered by the Council of Universities in 1996. One of its first rector was the late Dr. Adriano Irala Burgos, a philosopher of history remembered in Paraguay. In 1999 the University requested and received Comunera empowerment of the Faculty of Public Administration (FAP). Since then adopted as the motto of the institution: Learning to engage, in order that the graduate should apply the knowledge acquired to be real promoters and entrepreneurs in their respective spheres of action.In late 2003, following an alliance with the Institute of Computer Science, was recognized School of Informatics with two degrees in Systems Analysis and Design Info graphic. In 2004 he launched the careers of Law and Education.
The modern chemical industry The chemical industry experienced a first phase on the I Rev. Ind., is now experiencing unprecedented growth and they will find solutions for virtually all fields of production. Let’s see what the main developments. The soda will produce profitably after the discoveries of the Belgian Solvay, it ushered saltwater ammonia and sodium bicarbonate is generated easily become susceptible of soda, that multiplied the world sugar production. The artificial colors will replace the previous natural colors and products derived from coal such as tar and benzol. Research in this field was very strong due to high demand of the textile industry and in less than 20 years were found substitutes for all natural dyes. Explosives acquire a great development.Gunpowder was the only known and exploded on ignition (fire), they will discover new chemical explosives that explode by percussion as nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin, the latter from Italian Sobrero. In 1866 Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, a mixture of nitroglycerin and a type of clay called kieselguhr, this will generate a huge industry of explosives, of course, was Alfred Nobel who created the awards that bear his name. The dynamite would have important applications in mining and in the military field. In the field fertilizer demand will lead to the development of chemical fertilizers or synthetic fertilizers. It will produce superphosphate and sodium nitrate, the latter is made from mineral nitrates mainly from Chile. Europe was the area consumed more sodium nitrate. Other mineral elements essential for plants as well as chemically synthesized potassium fertilizer.
King Kong is one of the most famous characters in cinema history. Kong and has starred in films that have been referenced in popular culture worldwide. King Kong won the prestige of being an icon of popular culture and being an urban legend. King Kong was the inspiration of advertisements, cartoons, comics, movies, magazine covers, plays, poetry, short films and television programs. Other references to King Kong is in the form of parodies. King Kong failed to reach the peak of his popularity in the sixties and seventies, as part of a trend nostalgic Hollywood movies of the thirties. During this time the character of Kong and the film were common in popular culture. In the mid-sixties, RKO Pictures began to authorize King Kong-related products due to public demand, such as cartoons, games, miniatures and posters.