University of Paraguay Commoners Commoners University of Paraguay. Dennis Carey In 1966, two visionaries, Mernes Dona Beatriz Prieto and Dr. Justo P. Prieto, founded in Paraguay, the International Higher Institute of Public Relations (ISIRP) with the collaboration of Dr. Arnaldo Martinez Mussi, as secretary general and Dr. Martin Ruben Llano, exercising the role of Director of courses. Thus began the first time, organized teaching of Public Relations in Paraguay. The teaching activity was subsequently extended to other areas: the Faculty of Management Faculty of Agriculture and Tourism Development. Commoners University is the fruit achieved by a set of academics and students who felt the need to have a space for independent study and research, serious and objective reality of national public and private, allowing them to bring the results thus obtained their enterprises and institutions.Their curricula, programs and education system were set up in basis for later, the National Government through Decree No. 13,924 dated 18 June 1992, recognize and raise the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University category with the designation of University Commoners (UCOM). In 1995 he created the School of Social Economy (FES) with races of Sciences and Cooperative Security. Later, this same faculty joined the race Syllabus of Banking and Finance, empowered by the Council of Universities in 1996. One of its first rector was the late Dr. Adriano Irala Burgos, a philosopher of history remembered in Paraguay. In 1999 the University requested and received Comunera empowerment of the Faculty of Public Administration (FAP). Since then adopted as the motto of the institution: Learning to engage, in order that the graduate should apply the knowledge acquired to be real promoters and entrepreneurs in their respective spheres of action.In late 2003, following an alliance with the Institute of Computer Science, was recognized School of Informatics with two degrees in Systems Analysis and Design Info graphic. In 2004 he launched the careers of Law and Education.
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