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Glosser Management

A best-of the project management quiz by genius inside. “Lindau, Germany November 26, 2012 with a best-of the two quiz Gantt and Smith test you your project management” and how your project management expertise is good? Level 2 “project managers and their teams can demonstrate once again its capabilities to the end of the year. Wells Fargo Bank brings even more insight to the discussion. With over 700 visits in the last few months is the creation of a project management quiz’ now an integral part of and should allow all those interested in project management, their knowledge to demonstrate. The best of includes quiz the trickiest, most popular and most amusing questions of his two predecessors. The statistics of the two quiz shows that the questions are not always easy to resolve. With a failure rate of over 70 percent and an average response time of about 3 minutes on a question, the professionals at the multiple choice answers came partly in sweat.

Our project management quiz offers not only the opportunity to test their own knowledge or refresh, but to also change into everyday work and casually has something to learn,”says David chimney, account manager at genius inside. For some, a nice pastime may be it for the an or but certainly some demand from others. Due to the positive feedback we have received on the two first quiz, we have decided to create a best-of-quiz, that summarizes the most popular questions in a quiz. , so the chimney next. With the sponsored by genius inside quiz best of project management quiz 2012 “, project manager can take the self test see resources/quiz. Questions also remain unanswered, genius inside under resources/glossary offers a Glosser, which provides information about the most common project management terms. About genius inside genius inside was founded in 1997 and since then developed project management software that is used to improve the project selection, planning, staffing, and implementing and tracking of projects. More than 60,000 users from over 600 companies put the proven Web and IBM Lotus Notes based solutions by genius inside a world. Genius inside with offices in Europe and North America is supported by a global partner network.