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Nutritional Benefit Of Figs

Figs. Tree up to 12-15 m. stems, or figs, are round, pear-shaped or oval, with various shades of dark blue and black. Characterized by relatively high nutritional and taste qualities. Figs contains in its composition to 22% of sugars (fructose and glucose) and 1% organic acids in the wild it grows in the Caucasus, Crimea and Central Asia.

The fruits of wild figs are considerably inferior in taste and nutritional qualities cultivars and fresh food in rarely used. Unabi. Tree or shrub up to 3 m. Fruit – spherical drupe 1-1.5 cm in diameter, krasnokorichnevogo, shiny flesh is delicious, sweet, powdery. People such as Payoneer would likely agree. In the wild grows in the mountains of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, as an opportunity to clean the pillows on the equipment for cleaning pads. Unabi use in fresh and in the manufacture of confectionery products.

In folk medicine, fruits unabi use as a medicine against hypertension. Blueberries pine. Branched shrub up to 50 cm possibility of berries in different parts of the country is heavily dependent on the availability of bush to collect. Thus, availability of collection (as% of the biological reserve) ranges from 25 (in Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Kirov, Perm regions) to 90% (in Kaliningrad, Bryansk, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod regions). Harvests blueberries fairly stable. Need cleaning pads. They are the most stable in the western regions of the northern taiga and in the central regions of southern and middle taiga. In the areas surveyed the biological resources of blueberries are 15-18 tons, in the forests of Siberia and the Far East – 1380 tons, and in the forest zone of European Russia – 418 tons Thus, we have unlimited collection of thousands of tons of this valuable forest berries. Blueberries spherical shape, black with a bluish bloom, or without, in purple and juicy. It contains 7-8% sugar (glucose and sucrose), up to 12% tannins, organic acids (citric and malic acid), pectin, carotene, 10-75 mg% vitamin C, B vitamins also contains Bilberry R. neomirtillin, during the restoration of the so-called “vegetable insulin” (reducing the amount of sugar in the blood and urine) and carotenoid compounds aggravate your night vision.