Tax refund loan with fast tax refund Joe Doyle, administrator of the Governor’s Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), wants to make sure that all Georgia citizens who had long distance telephone service between February 28, 2003 and August 1, 2006 know that they are entitled to a federal excisetax refunds credit on their 2006 returns. What is the federal excise tax? The federal excise tax which a tax assessed on long distance calls based on the distance and duration of the call. With the advent of flat fee long distance calling, the IRS deemed that this tax no longer had merit and advised phone companies to stop assessing the federal excise tax as of August 30, 2006. Addition, the IRS created the 2006 Federal telephone excise tax refund to provide citizens with a one time opportunity to get a refund on previously collected taxes. How much of a refund are citizens entitled to? Citizens can claim a standard refund of $30-60, based on their tax return filing status as follows: If you file as a single person with just you as a dependent, you claim a $30 credit.
If you file with a child or a parent as your dependent, you claim $40. If you file as Marshal with no children, you claim $40 If you file as married with one child, you claim $50 If you file as married with two or more children, you claim $60. You claim this credit on > line 71 of your 1040 tax return form. Alternatively, if you have ALL your phone bills beginning March 1, 2003 through July 31, 2006, you can add up the actual tax as it appears on your bills and claim a credit of that amount by completing special form number 8913.