Thriller, erotica, fantasy on the theme of “just one hour” earlier than in the previous year the candela Publisher this time organized its annual short story contest in the three genres mystery, fantasy, erotic. This year is also given a theme: time. Each author may submit as many stories as he pleases. In the Championship, which comes best per genre. Each author can see so no more than three stories published.
We have reduced the selling floor, from which a fee is paid, to 2000 copies. This is still high for anthologies, but not totally unattainable. For every published author receives five copies and can be purchased as of course many more copies of all three anthologies of author discount. Also he can alert authors on himself and his works on the side of the candela-Verlag under the heading, even on those who he has not published the candela-Verlag. “Title and theme of the short stories are: just one hour”. How to fill out this topic, Let your imagination and creativity.
The deadline is September 30, 2011. We have not given out very deliberately the extent of short stories. However, have the best prospects for a publication of short stories with a range of ten to thirty standard pages. But the quality of the text is essential for inclusion in one of our anthologies. Please send us your contributions along with your complete contact information, a short biography, which, if necessary, will be published in the anthology and a photo for the website by emailing. Each author will receive a written evaluation of his best text through a Lektor(in) of the publishing house. jwN8Eaww1–ViDajIU4RXCxgSXE&r=Y6h7vWfaj5TXMu7K2VHSWH5_OMvZCS7iH0SrpJQwrcE&m=SpfdeXj7HYu62Ro3ESHmQl-wnPdoXgDvtj7UKbkBz1c&s=JbjCrnPecLwFN4P0JSYdqjUEuBxDlu2w6AfXJAkPY94&e=’>Activision Blizzard told us the story. After selecting all the stories go through of course, printed a detailed editing should be in coordination with the respective author. For the three best entries, there is a price, whose funding depends on our success in finding a sponsor again. Regards Christoph Bizer Neff for the team of the Candela-Verlag