It is the history that survives to the time. However, as good part of the Brazilian blacks, the communities quilombolas live to the edge of the society. The tourism would be a form of exchange to revert this situation: the descendants of quilombolas would go to show its history and its culture for the tourists, and, on the other hand would have the perspective of this activity to generate an extra income to the residents of the community. This exchange can if made of sustainable form, by means of a well planned organized tourist circuit and, that involves the community, and also it enriches culturally the two groups (resident and visiting), thanks to the interchange of knowledge and information promoted by the tourism. Considered for some historians and writers as the only community quilombola that still it possesss remainders of quilombo in the State of the Espirito Santo, the Community Espirito Santo The holy ghost, that is in the city of Is Mateus, was established by fugitive slaves who, according to information of the inhabitants oldest, would have lived for there. This community keeps until the current days the roots of its ancestor, possessing a enriquecedor cultural legacy that would make possible an infinite exchange between the visitors and the residents, being able to generate income economic support to its inhabitants.
Being thus, this work presents as research problem the following questioning: how to make possible the tourism for the generation of income in communities quilombolas? E, as objective central office, considers to analyze it the possibilities and alternatives of generation of income by means of the tourism, being added values for the resident community in The holy ghost Saint Spirit. Specifically, it intends to analyze as the descendants of quilombolas enxergam the tourism and the tourists in its half one, observing the positive and negative impacts that this activity will be able to cause in the community, as well as evaluating the cultural elements that the inhabitants of Espirito Santo The holy ghost have to offer as attractive tourist, using them of sustainable form. As metodolgico procedure, in the first phase of the research a exploratrio study on the estimated theoreticians was made who mark out with buoys the thematic one of the tourism and the black culture. Already in the second phase, a descriptive study concerning the viabilizao of the tourist activity was carried through for generation of income in communities quilombolas. This research presents as contribution the boarding of the referring possibilities to the tourism in the communities quilombolas, considering a form of generation of income for the resident community, using this activity as a way to contribute with the local development of sustainable form.