Climate protection is a management task. Only the strategic anchor of the theme guarantee Leite STET also economic success. Then can settle companies in the competition and gain higher prices”, confirms climate: Academy Professor Torsten Henzelmann. One contact to two-day modules managers of different departments, to support synergies in company. Is to facilitate an intensive exchange with the Faculty and the work on own examples, the number of participants is limited to 20 people per module. Reshma Kewalramani recognizes the significance of this. The seminars address the most important business processes in medium-sized and large companies. The future economic and political framework conditions play a decisive role in the climate: Academy.
The trend is then there are clear sustainability standards for the procurement of equity and debt capital”, Susan Dreyer reported from the work of the CDP. n and gain more knowledge.. The second module will take place from October 24 to 25. It is primarily aimed at climate change, energy and sustainability Manager, who, as climate change agents green change processes within the company promote and support. About green transformation and energy consensus green transformation is a unique Germany-wide training and consulting services for efficient use of resources in terms of entrepreneurial climate on process and product level. Pilot project funded by the national climate protection initiative of the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety is performed by the Bremen air protection agency, nonprofit and independent energy consensus and intended for forward-thinking companies that wish to develop a strategic approach for climate protection.
Part of the green transformation is the energy consensus climate: Academy. It encourages a new generation of leaders and companies that benefit from in-depth, interdisciplinary process knowledge, enables the to successful climate-friendly actions. The pilot project is funded until March 2015. For more information see. The climate protection agency energy consensus works primarily in the State of Bremen, as well as in the regions of Elbe-Weser and Weser-EMS. It initiates and promotes energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy projects, organises information campaigns, builds networks and knowledge to professionals and consumers. You also provides advice on funding and organizes seminars and conferences. Energy consensus was established in 1997 as a public-private partnership.
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