This system presents advantages: – cleanness and rest are the main ways to fight diseases. – in disease case, the control is more easy – bigger easiness in the handling of the farm the word hygiene comes from ' ' HYGEIA' ' , that it was the goddess of the health in mythology Greek. The hygiene of the avcola creation, if occupies of the production of exempt birds of good quality and of diseases or alterations. With the advent of modern technologies of production that had transformed the creation of birds into the current poultry keeping (productive), the sanitary measures had started to occupy its which had place, becoming it base of any successful enterprise. Christie’s spoke with conviction. The old one never dictated: More valley to prevent of what to attenuate was so valid as in the current poultry keeping. The cost of the prevention becomes minimum when comparative the costs of treatment and happened damages of mortality. Understanding as if transmits an illness is an important factor in the development of a biossegurana program, and studies had demonstrated that in approximately 90% of the times, illnesses of the birds are transmitted between farms for people, equipment and vehicles contaminated.
Thus we do not have to forget the beginning of the sanitary emptiness: ' ' everything of is dirty and everything of inside is limpo' ' , and same with possible success in the previous creation not to forget that all local of it creates has a potential of .causing microrganismos of illnesses, and therefore the shed for new lots must be prepared well, as hygiene norms. To follow we have a script of cleanness and disinfection model, and can have variations without changing the results, since that the basic principles are followed. The cleanness accomplishes of the farm if it initiates with necessary disgnostic registers of diseases, porventura gifts in the birds of the farm, and after the despovoamento of the lot, we proceed from the following form: – Removal of the used equipment in the previous creation, that must be washed and be disinfected – Removal of the used bed with lonado truck – To remove crusts To sweep the shed all – To pass flame thrower (or fire broom) To wash (spurt under pressure), to rinse To disinfect sanitary Emptiness To place new bed, and to make assembly of the equipment and test of its functioning.