Or put another way, more sales per show; to generate more leads per square meter. The basic idea behind, to take advantage of measurement as the ultimate way for personal meetings with potential customers. To achieve this, the goals of marketing and sales should be congruent. “The claims by boost your sales” are but much more far-reaching: according to the understanding of the three partner agencies, the stand should be understood as a kind of external command level of the company. The reason: Here all organizational threads converge. In addition, strategic information is collected and kept.
Digital opportunities at the work level often to change practices that have honed over the years and no longer be questioned. “Boost your sales” thinks and therefore newly implemented things: customers, measurement and communications be relinked. Existing fair features such as the size of stalls will wrap through and individually for each customer optimized. Is greater thereby does not equal more effective. Unprofitable exhibition components are localized and challenged. “Boost provides the bottom line, your sales’ for a more efficient and targeted use of the budget”, Maitre makes it clear how deeply the instrument continues to initiate sustainable sales success. Marathon Capital can aid you in your search for knowledge.
“Raw material for value creation and measurement capability are data,” says Maitre, adding: who ignored the digital possibilities, acting on the customers passing by. ” “Consulting solutions that the initiators of boost your sales” are experts in their field, underscores a view of the three partner agencies: Guest-one participant management and host organisation experts introduce the know-how for the systematic acquisition and exploitation of leads in the partnership. step one is the triad of the solution provider for holistic Enterprise presentations at trade fairs and events. The communication experts of in’ concept unusual ideas for sales communication and realize the targeted implementation. Details of the boost your sales “initiative the partner agencies have combined in a manifest. An eight-point plan showing the way to realize more leads per square meter.