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Thus, it is necessary to know that autonomy means … the capacity that the citizen acquires to formulate the proper laws and rules during its process of development and by means of the relations established with the others, in the context where he is inserted. To be independent implies to act with responsibility, to take decisions of conscientious and critical form, to assume commitments and consequences of acts or action, conscientious being of the external influences that suffer e, from them, to exert influence and to take decisions on submitting itself or not to the impositions. (PETRONI and SOUZA, 2010, P. 358) Freire (1996) defends a pedagogia for the autonomy that not only brings pedagogical implications, but ethical and politics, also considering that we cannot speak in ' ' pupil autnomo' ' without equating the values that this autonomy assumes and promotes, and that they are indissociveis of a democratic orientation of the school and the society. The author speaks of values as the freedom, the responsibility (individual and social), the contribution and the criticidade. The resistance is very great in yielding space for the freedom.

However Sousa, Miguel and Lima (2010) insist that The freedom always meets circumscribed for and between relations of being able and to know. The freedom appears as possibility of in them not becoming slaves of the world and, therefore, of we ourselves; as condition a permanent one to look at contemplativo on we ourselves in the interior of the world, one ' ' not to lose itself of vista' ' , one to look at of the high one that it sees below of itself the world in its general order. This perspective look contemplativo, mainly, the place that we occupy in the world and them interrogates on the inevitable choice of what we want to be and to make. Thus, to think on which choices we inscribe as citizens in the world would be an interesting starting point to foment the architecture of a Management of the Care.

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National Association

‘ ‘ The educational research brings theoretical and metodolgicos challenges that remain in aberto’ ‘ (GATTI, 2002, P. 22). We need to analyze the form to collect the data necessary to the construction of the research, being had that to know to the certainty what it is wanted to search. ‘ ‘ The research cannot be the service to solve small impasses of the daily one, because it, for its nature and process of construction, seems not to be useful to this, time that the time of the scientific inquiry, in general, not if coaduna with the necessities of decisions more rpidas’ ‘ (GATTI, 2002, P. 23).

on the part of the education institutions lacks the support to the educational research, is only worried in giving diplomas, is not worried if it has a learning. In the end of decade of 80 and beginning of years 90 is that the changes had occurred, that if gave with the creation of the programs of mestrado and doutorado, these that gave incentives to the research and made more collections to the pupil. One of the biggest problems in the accomplishment of the research is the use of the methods, therefore the use of these has not been argued with depth techniques. Methods these being able to be quantitative or qualitative. ‘ ‘ The research in them serves the top of everything to give to an agreement base on a reality and from this transform-la’ ‘. (GATTI, 2002, P. 33). To get and not only to extend knowledge the research also assists in them in the understanding of the reality, in one better agreement of what it encircles in them and that many times we do not understand, makes then one searches for better if informing and through this power to give to our opinion with base and searched arguments, approaching given critical and through them to give suggestions of possible improvements, not only raising the problem, but to consider suggestions of improvements.

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Organizing a Curriculum

In the education market can be seen thousands of courses, and on the shelves of bookstores – thousands of books and textbooks. The question immediately arises: Which of them are good and which – "not much"? How to distinguish a good book on the "so-so"? For some training programs can learn, and for some – not? Give their vision of the problem as an example the development of such complex activities as "administration". For other professions, the rules described below may be a little different. If we examine the books / tutorials / courses on management, we can see most of them – names, terms, buzzwords, and the transfer of anything list. Let's call them "sources" in the style "A". Style "A" – it's just trash.

Realizing the futility of them, the creators of such sources of information are trying to make them better, increasing their unit "financial-economic" issues (accounting, fin.analiz), history management (who, when and why was born, where he was and what he did), etc. The quality of the material from this (in quotes) "improvement" only falls, as it – information that is useless for control. From some "sources" You can find out 'what to do. " This style – already better than the last. We call his style "B", and mark it with a separate unit. "B" – this knowledge, "What should be done." "Who is guilty?" And "What to do?" – Two questions that tormented everyone who People are constantly asking themselves, and who are looking for answers.

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