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Greek State

Punishment of sinners the Decisions of policy in countries such as Spain and Greece should follow now but the supposedly detected economic needs, maintain the stability of the euro as the highest good. It is undisputed that Portugal, Spain, Greece and other countries will have to go Europe through hard times with high unemployment and painful structural adjustments and low growth. The question of whether the policy in such a situation is not only no longer emit, but save on the existence of the social systems is but not without controversy. Numerous international voices – including one recently by the IMF study published – keep contraindicated the exclusive fixation on a quick reduction of government deficits, as it represents the debt not just little Germany, absolutely. You cannot help the impression, that the claims of the ominous “troika” is no longer concerns recovery of economies, but punishment of sinners. The Grasshopper and the Ant the politics in Germany has chosen the parable of the Ant and grille to its Europe-political mission statement itself, without which the roles of the reality before the financial crisis would have been really.

So had about Spain prior to the crisis, which also started with a burst real estate bubble, not particularly high debt. The role of the German banks in establishing this bubble played by have, not to mention. What can cause this erzprotestantische and also constructed version of crime and punishment in the Club with the task of the primacy of politics, is just to visit Greece. There the nationalist fascist party has begun “Golden Dawn” in areas, which are the Greek State power due to lack of has withdrawn medium to take over order and social functions. Needy receive food for free and at the same time hunting on the (illegal) immigrants made as a culprit of the social plight is made – and classic -. The police look the other way and the policy reflected rising survey values of the fascists over clueless. The Primacy of policy may be an illusion, resolving international crises but also the fiscal economic drawing board. And a dangerous to do so. Andreas Kellner…