For the German short film award 2010 was ‘ democracy is ‘ Tino Salazar a film suggested, critically reflected dealing with democracy. The debate could hardly be more current. Hardly has created with his critical words to the German integration politics sensation Thilo Sarrazin and learned criticism, many pages so the democracy of our politicians in question is provided in this context immediately. If the Federal President, as a neutral person, suggests the German Bundesbank, Sarrazin of his offices to impeach only because this open has made known his opinion, what does the original definition of democracy yet? But not only in politics, you can find examples of this. In the arts and in the film this is no different. The Berlin Director Tino Salazar wanted 2009 with his film democracy is “a film competition participate, which Central seeks was a discourse on democracy.
The competition was from the U.S. State Department organized. But Swan man was prohibited from taking part, because u0085 the film focuses exclusively on the negative aspects of American democracy and allows the positive consideration “, so the U.S. State Department.” Short and barely there this clearance, though the film got the most votes and clicks on the part of the participants. However film was listed Swan man in the meantime at many international film festivals, of course also in the United States, by the action of man with the shareholder Award and of the BitFilm Festival awarded the Politicool award.
The film made it to the Marta Herford Museum for contemporary art and ran as a pre-film for the documentary film La Vida Loca”in the cinema. He was now proposed for the German short film award by a jury member. The German short film award is the most important award for the short film in Germany. In November he is presented each year by the Federal Government Commissioner for culture and the media in an event of its own. Because of the short film is not only an own art form, but also a good field of experimentation and an important Test for young filmmakers. The Federal Government has therefore expanded the film funding in this area in the past few years and upgraded the German short film award, the most important and highest endowed prize for this genre in Germany.