About 340,000 stamps, the Dr. Walser with the population collected dental. Including the first postage stamps of the world and valuable Philatelist, who were sent to the auction to Cologne. Completely disinterested the CEO collects dental, dental instruments, manufacturer of Dr. Walser Gerhard R. Daiger, over 16 years stamps and albums for the social and development aid of the Kolping Society in Cologne, Germany. Each year the proceeds brings the nationwide stamps action around 15,000.
Daiger thanks hereby all donors and donors very much and asks the population to take it further. Among the albums are the first postage stamps from around the world, many rare and valuable stamps, yes all series. For example some successor stamp of the first postage stamps of the World One Penny Black are so”the so-called one penny red” doing. The One Penny Black”is the world’s first postage stamp and was published for the first time on 1 May 1840 in Great Britain by the British Post Office. The postage stamp was black and about a scene of Queen Victoria, has no perforation and had a nominal value of which amounted to a penny.
However, the brand was only a year in use. Since the originally red cancellation marks very easily remove left, they had to be replaced soon by black? But since black depreciations on black marks are logical way is difficult to detect, even the color of the mark had to be changed: from the “One Penny Black” was that “One Penny Red”. Therefore, the number of copies of this first postage stamps was at first very limited. The stamps action is an important pillar of the vocational funding in developing countries. With the sale of collected stamps young people in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Central and Eastern Europe the chance for a better future. Almost one in five people living less than 1 dollar a day.