These issues can be listed and to list. In fact, they are all quite relevant and very important. But the essence of all these questions is usually one main: – Where is the guarantee that the money invested in energy auditing and energy efficiency measures quickly pay off? And this question is understandable and justified, since we are talking about intellectual work, where the first visible result – a stack of paper covered with writing and business plan additional costs. And it is "it" will have to invest. This is not the same, familiar to us, the circuit material relationship, where we paid money for goods or services, and immediately received, saw, felt we have acquired the goods. So what is energy audits and energy conservation company? There are many different interpretations of concepts, definitions and classifications.
I propose to consider the most simple and understandable defining these two terms: Energy Saving – an implementation and seek solutions that are effective as energy and cost for managing in conditions of absolute control over the flow of energy resources. And the initial phase of energy is energy audit – an essential tool and framework for developing energy efficiency programs. Energy audit or energy audit control – is a test object energy, the search inefficient use of energy resources, determination of parameters of energy efficiency and developing a business plan to bring the object under study in energy efficiency and energy-efficient form, taking into account all the mentioned items. The result is an energy audit of a business plan.