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Month: October 2015

Paveletskaya Warsaw

Head of Alexander Kuzmin, Moscow Committee endorsed the idea of water taxi. 'I like this idea' – he said at a news conference, commenting on the rumors about the introduction of the capital of the water taxi. According to Kuzmin, this would be very convenient, especially near the business center "Moscow-City. 'On the Taras Shevchenko embankment will be built a large apartment complex – he recalled. – Near downtown is' Moscow-City. For residents of the complex to get to downtown by car would be very difficult to cross several roads and intersections. On the water taxi that would be much faster and easier.

" However, Kuzmin said that the idea of water taxi Taxi support not all. "Unfortunately, we live in a climate zone, where water transport – a seasonal transport '- he explained. Kuzmin also said that several projects currently under development and reorganization of bringing in order embankments. 'One and a half or two months, we will present a public board and re-engineering project Paveletskaya Warsaw industrial areas – he said. – When to travel down the river in these areas, opening up just a horrible species'. Taxi

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How To Increase Profits In The Shop

There is a very simple way to increase sales in his shop and increase profits. The easiest way is to show to the grocery store. Step 1. Check your locality, where they sell the most delicious bread. Ask seller who makes the bread. Step 2. Through reference services find the address and phone the manufacturer of the bread.

Step 3. Agree with the manufacturer on delivery of grain in your store. Step 4. Put the price of bread is much lower than in the neighboring stores, even if you’re at a loss. For example: You buy a loaf of bread for 8 rubles. In retail, it is now -10. You sell, for example, for 8.50 or even up to 7 rubles. What happens? In the coming weeks, most people your neighborhood know that your store is the cheapest and at the same time, the best bread.

It’s no secret that buying bread, the majority of people along the way take another commodity. You have to increase sales of grain would dramatically increase sales other goods. That increased the amount of other goods, will override the losses from the sale of bread and give a substantial net profit of your store. In a short time in your store will gather people from different areas. Low price bread just to attract your competitors, with the ensuing consequences. So here you need to follow a middle ground. Put a price of 1.5 rubles. cheaper or better for a rub. It will not irritate and will allow competitors You to trade without losses, although it is possible and no profit. A slight decline in the price of one product will be of little interest to competitors. You must understand that the first couple of weeks, and maybe a little more, you will not get profit. Therefore you need to correctly calculate the current money that did not work so that you do not have enough money to buy goods. You must understand that after 2-3 weeks you will increase trade and you will need extra money to support the additional turnover. If you take a product to implement, it is better not to use this method. Otherwise, you have to drive every day to distribution centers for goods and many, many work, but money may still be missing. If you allow yourself a half-empty shelves in the store, it will dramatically reduce the number of buyers, even if they go for bread. The first few weeks of money even with high turnover may not enough to buy, unless of course you do not buy at wholesale prices by the piece. Before you start this step with a decrease in the price of bread or any other product, you should have enough funds for additional purchase. For hedging contracts such as with the bank about the possibility of a loan on terms acceptable to You. This method can be used in most shops of different directions. Add a bit of his imagination, and additional income you will be provided.

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Enhancing the role of commercial mediation in the global financial crisis by bringing goods from producer to consumer has put before heads of trading companies not only the task of self-evaluation, identify internal resources to improve, but the analysis of the external environment, including the study of the competition. The reasons for the rapid development of trade is the relative "lightness" of entering the industry and the establishment of trade firms, rather than the establishment and development of industrial production. The desire of businessmen for quick profits orients them to invest their capital in this trade, but not in production. Play an important role determinants of consumption goods, namely, market size, consumer demand for quality, changes in demand. Ability to specialists trading company in direct contact with consumers, gives them an advantage over the manufacturers of products to be more responsive to changes in demand. Industrial enterprise to respond to consumer demands, it is necessary to change the production technology, buy other commodities, materials, components, increase the level of experts, etc., and a trading firm should only change the supplier of finished products. Since the trading company is a member of a distribution channel, it performs a series of functions such as transportation, "division", storing, sorting, establishment of contact, information, brokerage firms provide customers additional services due to its proximity, easy mode, speed of delivery, credit, service, guarantees issued.

Evolution of sales development in recent years, sharply increased competition between intermediaries. Initially, in Russian conditions, special development was competition between intermediaries at different levels of the network, ie, vertical competition. There were several moments, one of which is to maximize profits without taking into account the interests of other members of the sales channel, as well as the inability to coordinate a distribution channel. Depending on the nature of the interaction with the mediators are two types of vertical organization of indirect sales channels: the traditional and coordinated.

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Closedend Funds

Many investors ask themselves, “How I can separate myself from my closed-end funds?” Many investors ask themselves, “How I can separate myself from my closed-end funds?” The idea to sell the stake is obvious. But the disillusionment followed very quickly. It found no buyer or the purchase price offer is too low. As we know from numerous client meetings, many fund investors remember that the investment adviser had promised something completely different… But in addition to a sale or an ordinary termination, other paths can be open. May the provisions for claims for damages and establish a return settlement claims in substance. An experienced lawyer can determine whether claims for damages are and how high are the chances for a successful implementation.

The courts regularly demand compensation for damages that an investment advisor informed thoroughly, correctly and completely. The courts speak to injured investors, the above their investments were incorrectly advised, too, that them to recover their investment advisor or your bank their invested capital and interest losses. The investment products and any resulting are drawn benefits to return the investment advisor or the Bank. In substance, this corresponds to a reversal. Consulting error from years of everyday work we know that investment advice can be may be corrupted.

III demanded civil Senate of the Federal Court in its decision to the pqr. III ZR 249/09, that entrepreneurial investments with risk of loss that could lead even to a total loss, are adequate to attract an investment advice. If the investment adviser has unveiled an investment as secure attachment, although downside risks exist, that justify complaints. If a speculative corporate funds for the purpose of pensions was mediated, that is incorrect. Because an investor must rely on his age before so-called. The Federal Supreme Court has found in a recent decision, that an entrepreneurial Participation is not suitable as pensions. If in the course of a mediation and consulting a bank consultant it omits, internal commissions, to inform about so-called kick-back payments, then a guidance fault regularly. Because kick-back payments for a customer not readily apparent. If an investment advisor omitted to mention, that there are no regulated secondary market for closed-end funds, would be a sale difficult or possible with considerable losses, this justifies a charge. Our clients approach us if they feel deceived by their investment advisers. But each case is different. To prohibit lump-sum solutions. Sufferers should consult without delay individually, before claims become time-barred. Gladly we answer issues and assess opportunities to assert claims for damages. see You also: author and contact person: lawyer Ralf Renner – lawyer and a trained banker – specialty: Fund investments Tel: 030 / 810 030-22 E-mail: specialty of lawyer Ralf Renner are legal issues of closed-end Fund, where he has many years of experience. In these contexts, investors in a lawyer approach, if you want to check what rights and claims exist. Blanket statements prohibit themselves? In any case, an individual assessment is offered.

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Easiest Website Development

The easiest way to create a website for free, without spending a dime is to take advantage of the many online services that offer some form of free hosting and web editor. This is the perfect choice if this is your first site, and you never knew nothing about html or cms. Using Web tools, you can create your own website and tell your family, friends, pets, hobbies and interests. This will save you the cost of hiring the developers site – why spend hundreds of dollars for placement of 10 photos of your sobachkek? Your site can even be commercial or associated with your business, which you want to advertise. For example, if you’re a freelance writer and translator, you can create a page with examples of your work and add the url in your resume. Online services let you create Web pages simple and easy steps. You need to register your account, select the template and add your content. Using a simple editor, you can add a link or change the fonts, images, backgrounds and colors.

You can create your own Web site no need to code. This safeguard you from the hassles caused by inexperience or lack of money. Why hire a professional designer for the site, where you can use your work for free? Of course, has its own Web site built by free online tool has several drawbacks. First of all, free domain may be restrictions on the domain space, and paid domains provide extensive opportunities for use. Thus, you can not get a lot of content. Then, a free website often has very limited support for consumers. When a server crashes you will not receive any compensation.

You do not pay any money for his website, so why should they help you? Keep in mind that free sites are usually associated with the use of sub-domains. For example, if you have your own web domain, you will look like. If you have free domain name, the Web site will look. Free Web Hosting companies often offer free accounts with very little functionality and control. The idea of this form of marketing is that you upgrade to paid hosting Furthermore, free domain name can be seen as ‘less serious’. Unlike Web-hosting services who are paid primarily through the web hosting fee, free web hosting companies are advertising-oriented. If they offer you enough functionality to your website to work, then the likelihood that they will include ads on top of your site. Of course, it does not look too attractive. There are many free places online where you can create your own website and use the server for free space. It does not require too much technical knowledge. You will have your personal website in minutes!

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Effective Online Store

– What are the technical features you advise to use online shopping to win the loyalty of the buyer, to convince him to continue to make purchases at the store, rather than those of competitors? – Which tools should refuse as from inefficient? – How do you evaluate a system of personalized sales international online store amazon. com (personal settings personal account customers, a reference to goods which, judging from previous purchases, can interested buyers, targeted mailing lists with information about the right products, but not a blind mailing)? How difficult is it technologically, in your opinion, to introduce a similar system in the Russian Internet stores? – Use Do Russian Internet shops like system that facilitates searches for a particular buyer, personalized sales? Effective online store with the development of information technology, more and more people are getting Internet access. The main goal pursued by the mass of users, namely, more than 70% – is searching for information, thus the Internet has become a large market for goods and services. Internet is gradually moved from the stage revival major consumer markets. Not surprisingly, in Russia today more and more companies from various sectors perceive the Internet as an additional effective tool sales organization. A study conducted late last year, Brunswick Warburg, showed that annual growth in the Russian market of electronic commerce is 245% and 90% of the largest companies in Russia have access to the Internet. By evaluating our company Reactor Systems – E-commerce has not yet reached its peak, because keeps pace with the development of information technologies, which in turn promptly rush forward. This material we will try to explain the language that is understandable inexperienced internet user, why should seek, opening its online store, from which tools should be discarded in order to achieve greater financial returns, and what difficulties may arise when incumbent Problem? was a pioneer in its segment, but not only that caused the stunning success, effective personalization of sales and the right advertising campaign the maximum allowed to place their trust buyers.

It turns out, – it's not just a store, but also of the same brand, like Coca-Cola or Marlboro. And this brand has a cost. The company, which specializes in the valuation of brands The World's Most Valuable Brands 2000" conducted by the company Interbrand, revealed that brand has risen in price over the past year by 233% and now stands $ 4.4 billion, in principle, the fact that the brand is worth something, no doubt. Agree with this many people, including domestic businessmen. For example, Michael ("Russian Funds") journalists' questions, trying to understand what is (for the Rambler) have been paid that kind of money (estimates range from $ 1 to $ 10 million), said: "In the first place for the brand." Thus wins not only because of the scale, which significant, but also because of the service, which allows its clients to receive only the information that really interests them. In this step, we select only a portion of advantages Amazon. Purchase history – the most demanded tool in e-commerce. It helps the buyer at any time to the history of their orders, review prices and make the necessary analysis of prices.

Since we are talking about the shop, each the buyer has to log into a personal study. It is important to provide customer discounts, they can be expressed in any form, the main thing to remember that low prices alone are not enough. Second, good serve as a tool "designed" e-mailing, ie, mailing, which contain only that information which is really interesting to customers (letter with the information generated based on the presented user prior purchases, ie system analyzes what products may interest the user and creates a kind offer, which was subsequently "flies" straight to the buyer in an email). It is important remember that once a buyer bought a unit in a shop is unlikely to want to hear from the seller an offer to buy . Chances are interested in accompanying information, such as Case bought a thermos, tea set and everything, everything that can be associated with a thermos. In organizing this kind of service is important to consider the main aspects: 1.When organization "designed" e-newsletters provide the buyer the opportunity to manage these newsletters. Buyer shall have the right to unsubscribe, if he is not interested. Do not impose the advertising buyer, this method offers your buyers to your resource. 2.Gramotno and in the case please provide the buyer with a letter of offer to purchase related goods or similar goods. 3.Vsegda gives the buyer a choice. Range of goods should not be limited by 2 kinds of names. 4.I in no If do not pass the base of email addresses of your customers to any third party whose purpose illegal electronic distribution. It's just not legal. The third tool may be called the auxiliary and designated as "Search Form goods ". This is the most interesting point, which we consider in more detail. With a large range of products it is important that the buyer was able to very quickly find not only in the menu structure and navigation of the site in general, but unable to find the specified characteristics of the goods required. Much attention should be paid to such characteristics as the "price", give the buyer a choice of pricing policy. But do not overdo it, do not overload site of a large number of unnecessary forms and elements, such as line search, subscribe to the news (unless it is directed), etc. Unfortunately the Russian market is not ready for such a deployment, in fact have their own reasons, ranging from fear of being cheated by ending corruption. The Law on Consumer Protection just crying. In conclusion, we list a number of benefits that must be provided on its trading platform to its customers. 1.Konkurentosposobnye prices, which in many cases are lower than in the off-line markets. 2., flexible search, which allows to quickly find the right product to suit individual customer requirements. 3.Predostavlenie free consultation web site managers. In some business sites already included in the rule other than e-mail as a contact number icq ( It gives the right directly consult on any matter of interest to you personally. 4.Predostavlenie various discounts in the mode of on-line. For example, when online sales worth more than $ 100, you get free shipping.

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Bette Price

The sales letters are the most personalized direct mail advertising. Regardless of the quality, brochures and flyers are usually impersonal and could end up in the trash as junk mail. By contrast, a sales letter can address each customer by mentioning their name and particular needs. It has been placed in an advantageous position. The best strategy is to deliver solutions that directly target the problems and challenges of its clients, whether we are talking about client and business to business to business. In the composition of the perfect sales letter, use these eleven tips obtained from several coaches, trainers and experts from sales: 1. Create trust. Besides revealing the customer benefit at the beginning of the letter, may increase your interest with reviews prominent partners or former clients.

2. State the facts, fast. According to Daryl Logullo, instructor sales, "before reaching the second paragraph, should be established and proved the credibility that it deserves." This is the time to explain who he is, why it is so good at what he does (or smart, cheap, special, useful) and what it offers. The way you present this information depend on the products and to whom it is addressed. Here are some options: Present a case study. Describe a success story. Provide a summary of the key benefits of your product (besides the most important). Include any problems you have faced and the solution offered to the client (no names mentioned). Avoid writing too much in the introduction, this is what we recommend Bette Price, administrative adviser.

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Restaurant Business

Recalling that was true, the author tells stunned and recommended that this little restaurant for years, until they learned that the place had changed hands. Companies that have learned to show with deeds to their customers, their biggest concern is not serve effectively, but do so kind and generous, even exceeding its initial expectations by providing aid or sincere and relevant, without expecting anything more to change the client’s welfare, are firms that have discovered the power of affection. Something that is impossible to imitate anyone, which is unique and memorable if it is manifested clearly.

The affection we give to a client is one of the most profitable investment we can make in our business. If he is honest and is correctly perceived, showing affection to a good customer from time to time, may cause it to want to stay with us throughout their lives and become one of our best sellers. A customer can bring more value affective than any advertising at the moment. Marketing relationship marketing emotional Ultimately we’re seeing increased from transactional marketing paradigm “I have a product, who do I sell?”, The relationship marketing “I have a client, how and what I sell?”. But that’s not enough, as we have seen, the very brand-customer relationship does not guarantee a pleasant experience. Most of us have relationships of convenience with organizations that would change with ease in case of any option. We all really like to have an alternative to finance or any of the monopolies to which we are bound by necessity.

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I Am Starting To Make Money Marketing

A friend asked me, do you want to start to Make Money? He told me “to start a business, look for something that no one band (a niche).” Although many think so, I agree. Take for example the Natura selling or Avon, if we are guided by the initial thought, because then there are more and more developers?? I think you should leave with something, started this business, sell something, anything, even a few dollars, but sell something. Asi should take two things First, you’ll gain the experience to sell, collect, distribute , you do not pay, etc.La second is that you’ll be focusing on body, mind and spirit in your new activity, and that causes changes. You can from selling something that many are selling, but on the way you are going to show your own way. The universe conspired and respond to your momentum to get ahead and free yourself financially. A professor at the University Adolfo Ibanez (one of the top of Chile) in a class of marketing, said the following, “when starting a business, you fall off and cheap quickie “because undoubtedly you’ll fall, but grace is that this will happen when the investment is still low. This early experience, you will save thousands of dollars in the furor. My own experience is that cost me a thousand dollars to learn something as basic as your business can not be, where you can not control.

And another thousand to learn how to make a plan, set goals and control. More than one should be saying “but if it is truism (basic) “because let me tell you, starting a business and then talk. When you have a business, emotions betray you. It is both the theme and emotions, which in a Forex seminar (from buy and sell currencies) spend an entire session to the issue of capital emotions. Therefore, have a niche market, a good product, very knowledgeable, but if you can not control your emotions, you understood that perdido.Sabes say that a man should not be doing the same activity for more than five years, therefore it is time to start making some changes, to change the direction of our destiny. But first you have to take action, you have to start selling something …….. whatever … if you have no money to start, take some old stuff and go to market, the fair, or whatever in your country, where they sell anything. In Chile we call “Persian market.” It will be your first experience in sales and your first opportunity to manage your emotions. Who cares that you see people in your neighborhood, you are starting your way to your financial freedom and your family, so let them prejudices of others.

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