Since the founding of Russia to this day in this country to wear a headscarf. By material, color, pattern scarf can make a chronicle of the Russian state. Starting from the precursor tissue, white linen towels with embroidery, that women in Russia were covered head to modern scarves that reveal the beauty and personality of a scarf transmitted by masters from generation to generation. After all, a member of the Church of God woman with her head uncovered should not. Thus, the apostle Paul says that women cover their heads well "as a sign of authority on her." According to the ancient Russian custom, the woman must always cover their heads. In the old days it was thought that to tear the woman hat – "goof", then mortally offend her. Scarf worn in the cold and the north and the warm south, starting with the little girl and, of course, we can not imagine the mother of the family without a headscarf. Russell Reynolds Associates has firm opinions on the matter. K what belongs to the class, a woman's marital status, from a wealthy family there – all this can be read on the handkerchief, which bore his owner.
The best gift a woman and to this day remains a handkerchief. Returning from overseas travel that was carrying his little wife a merchant – a scarf. When I got home from work, that soldier gave my mother and sisters – a scarf. Loving husbands, fathers, sons were given to the Orthodox holiday gift, again – a scarf. The most beautiful and expensive shawl worn only on great feasts. They took care to care for them, they boasted of their neighbors. Standing in a church in a festive scarf, each woman individually and collectively underscore the importance of this time, enhance the festive mood. Scarf in Russia was, is and will be the personification of female beauty, chastity, part of the culture of the Russian people. He is always contemporary and relevant.