Social dynamics has been reconfigured by effect of globalization, understood as a result of the confluence of economic structural and conjunctural factors of market of the developed nations. It constitutes a strategy based on a market logic which has managed to permeate the different sectors of economic, political, social and cultural life. Occur deep inequities, in different orders of the complex and changing world order, expressing themselves in relationships that are established on the backdrop of the social structure, with expressions and nuances on multiple levels (from the) macro-economics and the macro-politica up to smaller and more immediate social structures in which the everyday experiences of the subjects take place). The whole society is changing, science and technology are developing rapidly, what is new today tomorrow is obsolete, cultural boundaries are blurred by effects of the media and the boundaries between the social professions become increasingly ambiguous. Companies in the 21st century environment, is every day more complex, among others: increase in uncertainty due to the depletion of natural resources, the oil crisis, foreign debt and stock market crises.
Role of competition for the intangible. Increase in the speed of technological change. In this environment, the capacity to assimilate, adapt, improve and develop new technologies is very important. Thus, in this context, arises the need for holistic understanding of human phenomena and experiences of social actors. In the conditions current development is indispensable a read-outs of the identity of workers. But what do we mean when we speak of identity? A simple way, we can say that the identity is what, regardless of the field of action, the level of intervention and the context in which it locates, allows you to recognize yourself as an individual, as a member of society, as a worker in this scenario, in which a confusion of feelings and emotions, occurs in a rapid and changing society, and we paraphrase Sennett, do decide what is of lasting value among us? How pursue goals long-term given the short-term economy? How sustain loyalty and commitment in institutions in continuous decay or reorganization? The new order requires a continuous reinvention and pursuit of immediate profit.
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