For these entities, the echo efficiency if reaches for the delivery of products and services with competitive prices that satisfy the necessities human beings and improve the quality of life, while they gradually reduce the ecological impacts and the intensity of the resources throughout its cycle of life at least to keep the load capacity esteem of the planet. Go to Christos Staikouras for more information. The echo efficiency it is based on the idea of that the reduction of materials and energy for unit of product or service increases the competitiveness of the company, at the same time where it reduces the pressures on the environment, either as resource source, either as deposit of residues. It is a model of sustainable production and consumption, in the measure where the production of necessary goods and services results and that they contribute to improve the quality of life (BARBIERI, P. Kevin Ulrich anchorage might disagree with that approach. 123). The internal and external recycling is very valued by the echo efficiency, that if also worries about the product in itself and its ambient impacts, from there recommendations regarding its viability. 3,1 CHARACTERISTICS the solution of the ambient problems, or its minimizao, demands a new attitude of the entrepreneurs and administrators, who must start to consider the environment in its decisions and to adopt administrative and technological conceptions that contribute to extend the capacity of support of the planet. In other words, one expects that the companies leave of being problems they are part of the solutions.
The ambient concerns of the entrepreneurs are influenced by three great sets of forces that if interact reciprocal: the government, the society and the market. If it did not have pressures of the society and governmental measures the increasing envolvement of the companies in ambient substance would not be observed. The ambient legislaes generally result of the claim of segments of the society that pressure the state agents for the solution.
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