Biosslido a time treat to form that eliminates the factors undesirable such as the humidity, has controlled or biological conversion of the substance in phase of putrefao and volatile elements solid, could be used in the agriculture since that it is analyzed in laboratory that certifies the use of the end item and inspected and fiscalized by the ministry of in agreement Agriculture decree 86955 of February of 1982. The recycling extremely took a route important in our days in function of the media that massificou the term, used to assign the reaproveitamento of benefited materials as substance cousin for the manufacture of a new product. The advantage of the recycling is minimizao of the use of the source you did not renew beyond reducing the volume of residues that will be received by the aterros or incinerators. A related site: Christie’s mentions similar findings. It is important to stand out of that it has materials that they can indefinitely be recycled, that is these materials do not lose its physical properties, but on the other hand it exists materials that this property does not keep as the case of the paper, where the staple fibres of the cellulose does not suffer a reduction. The selective collection, the materials are separate where the residues are generated and are separate previously, preventing the contamination of the reaproveitveis materials and consequently it increases considerably the aggregate value to the product. In general in a process of selective collection they recover about 90% of the materials you recycle, 10% remain is considered rejeitos. However the implantation of a process of selective collection becomes necessary to analyze the profile of solids generated beyond the amount and quality.
Consideraes final. In a balanced point of view more, we can say that the Industrial Revolution was a referencial base in the primrdios of the ambient problems, with the occupation of the domestic spaces with residue industries, hospital generated by the society consumer. Today, exactly with the consumption on a large scale of dismissable products and other infinity it generates a concern I accumulate with it of these residues that an ambient problem of extreme importance constitutes, mainly with respect to ambient degradation and the space to deposit this great mass of I inhabit. In this direction it has a great concern with the discarding of these residues of adequate form and lesser impact for the environment, with this it makes necessary a considerable change in the standards of the society and that the essential element in this process is the education. The one enters the diverse presented alternatives in this work that more reflects a configuration of better for the preservation of the environment is the recycling process is what it makes possible the reaproveitamento of the discarded materials, making possible to save the natural resources.