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Boxing Gloves

Understandably, the history of boxing, or boxing fight extends far into the past. Feel free to be talking about several tens of thousands of years. Archaeology provides irrefutable evidence of the existence of special devices attached to the hands of men at different times for different purposes: to protect and less likely to soften the blows, more often to increase the lethality of fists. These fights were almost the main component of the combat training soldiers. Fist fight in a sport well studied by historians of the ancient Greeks, beginning around the XII century. BC Boxing gloves had already represented the simplest form of hand and wrist protection – soft leather strips braid hands, fingers and even preplechya. Such simple boxing gloves were called 'meylihay'. Later – starting with the VI.

BC – To replace them began to come more sophisticated gloves sfayrai, consisting of two parts: the leather ring on the joints and proper gloves that reached up to the forearm. In 688 BC fist fight was included in the ancient Olympic Games. The battle took place on the sanded floor of a square. The winner is the one who sent his opponent in the knock-out or forced to surrender. The next stage in the development of boxing gloves began in ancient Rome from the end of IV to II cent. BC.

Oe. The fact that boxing is a sport event is not caught in Romans – it seemed too cruel to them, that is only fit for bloody gladiatorial combat. Leather belts were equipped with various kinds of spikes, with metal rings, knots, or tin-coated brass. Such boxing gloves called cesta. Fights ended in serious injury or death of gladiators, boxers. In the Roman Empire in I. BC box was found outside the law, it literally and figuratively put an end to the next Ten centuries. In Russia, had long been a special culture of boxing, which is mentioned more in the Tale of Bygone Years (1068). Russian fist fights have never been any source of income for the soldiers, nor for the audience. Unwritten rules of humane existed forbidding lying to beat, hit back with a 'tripping', to strike down or head, arm than a hand. The Orthodox Church has fought tirelessly with these 'barbaric' fun, but after 1917 with Box, who came from Europe, began to fight the Bolsheviks, accusing him of all sins burzhuinskih. Meanwhile, in old England was being rapidly developed classic English boxing – the heir to the ancient Greek Fisticuffs. Boxing gloves have appeared in the XV century. Used exclusively for training. At competitions Gentlemen Prefer fight with bare fists. Boxing gloves were tightly filled with horse hair and flaked skin. In 1867, the Marquess of Queensberry proposed new set of rules for boxing, one of the main points of which was a requirement to use the boxing gloves to improve the safety of boxers. Since then, gloves can be divided into two categories: training and combat gloves. To date, differ not only in combat and training, but amateur, professional, slug, coaching, gloves and lace gloves Velcro. There are two filler for the boxing gloves: gloves, a fiber and foam.

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The Bolivian

Wheat the elaborated flour pasties Chilean, stuffed of worn out meat or in cuadritos, flavored with cumin, black olives, you pass of grape and hard egg, calls pine pasties. In the Central University of Venezuela, in Caracas, it does about 30 years, one stopped a cart of Chileans, who sold these succulent pasties of pine. Whenever it was going to see the games of basketball in the university, he was fixed that before tasted a pasty to me with some drink that now nonmemory. In Easter the done ones with seafood, accompanied by white wine are popular. Also there are vegetable stuffed, mainly beets; ” napolitanas” – cheese, ham, sauce of tomato and oregano -; of fish like salmon, or fish for food – usually both done in the same way that those of meat -. and of puye, cochayuyo – alga – and of hen that is the specialty of the zone of Santa Ana, Talagante.

The pasty in Chile has multiple variants, and it is clear to him like an emblematic food of the country, being considered, along with sopaipillas, the valdiviano, curanto, paila marine and it absorbs of seafood, like typical meals in his gastronomy. The Bolivian pasties between which it emphasizes saltea, whose mass tastes slight dulzn with a filling – jigote – of stew of head of cattle or chicken, with Pope and broth. They are guinea fowl of a smooth red-orange pigment, that gives a color very him special. Made with a fine layer of round, stuffed mass of stews of meat, chicken, seafood, decorated with onion, egg, olives, capers, raisins, grapes, Popes, peas, cheese and spinach. It generally has a form of semicircle of than 20 cm. in length, closed not more in the edges with elaborated repulgo – edge of the pasty -.

Other varieties include the Tucumanas that differs from the Argentineans of equal name in which they are fried; puka layers also called red pasty, typical of the city of Cochanbamba prepared to the furnace with cheese, onion, olives; of cheese and cheese for api that sometimes take something of fried onion and they are prepared to the furnace or. The cheese is prepared, like the mass, with cornstarch and flour; and those of rice that is typical of the city of Santa Cruz which they have rice and meat of pig pig in the filling. Soon they are humitas, of lacayote, those of hojandre, fried of chicken and chuquisaquea. Investigating to write these articles, I have been pleasingly surprised by the gastronomical wealth of Bolivian pasties, for that reason the prescription for this week is the Bolivian pasties of jigote of chicken, that are agradabilsimo cooking discovery.

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National Association

‘ ‘ The educational research brings theoretical and metodolgicos challenges that remain in aberto’ ‘ (GATTI, 2002, P. 22). We need to analyze the form to collect the data necessary to the construction of the research, being had that to know to the certainty what it is wanted to search. ‘ ‘ The research cannot be the service to solve small impasses of the daily one, because it, for its nature and process of construction, seems not to be useful to this, time that the time of the scientific inquiry, in general, not if coaduna with the necessities of decisions more rpidas’ ‘ (GATTI, 2002, P. 23).

on the part of the education institutions lacks the support to the educational research, is only worried in giving diplomas, is not worried if it has a learning. In the end of decade of 80 and beginning of years 90 is that the changes had occurred, that if gave with the creation of the programs of mestrado and doutorado, these that gave incentives to the research and made more collections to the pupil. One of the biggest problems in the accomplishment of the research is the use of the methods, therefore the use of these has not been argued with depth techniques. Methods these being able to be quantitative or qualitative. ‘ ‘ The research in them serves the top of everything to give to an agreement base on a reality and from this transform-la’ ‘. (GATTI, 2002, P. 33). To get and not only to extend knowledge the research also assists in them in the understanding of the reality, in one better agreement of what it encircles in them and that many times we do not understand, makes then one searches for better if informing and through this power to give to our opinion with base and searched arguments, approaching given critical and through them to give suggestions of possible improvements, not only raising the problem, but to consider suggestions of improvements.

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American Association

At first, he thought that the computer was malfunctioning. Then he realized that had not entered the initial conditions well. The numbers had a discrepancy of only 0.1%, but even this tiny divergence had completely changed the end result. Lorenz realized that in climate issues, the perfect prediction was a fantasy. A perfect forecast would require not only a perfect model, but also perfect knowledge of wind, temperature, humidity and other conditions around the world at the same time. Even a small discrepancy could lead to completely different forecasts. Lorenz published his findings in 1963. The work he wrote is a masterpiece of clarity about why weather is unpredictable, said Doyne Farmer, Professor of the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico.

The following year, Lorenz published another paper that described how a small change in the parameters in a model could produce completely different behaviors, transforming events scheduled, newspapers, in a chaotic pattern. During a meeting of the American Association for the advancement of science in 1972, gave a talk with a title that captured the essence of his ideas: predictability: the flapping of a butterfly in Brazil can unleash a tornado in Texas?. Lorenz was not the first to trip over the chaos. At the end of the 19th century, the French mathematician Henri Poincare showed that the gravitational dance of three celestial bodies was so complex that it was impossible to calculate, but the equations that describe the motion seem simple. But the ideas of Poincare were not recognized in his time.

The work of Lorenz attracted little attention until mid-1970. Lorenz remained active almost until the end of his life, researching and doing outdoor activities outdoor. Two weeks ago and a half made an excursion and makes one ended a work with a colleague, told his daughter, Cheryl.

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Fundosa Association

Group as a collaborator of the Association Fundosa Celeris has shown their happiness and support Flisa one year to renew the cooperation agreement with the Association Amica. Flisa is chaired by Alejadro Onoro and belongs to the Fundosa group with which group Celeris maintains a close relationship. The agreement made between Flisa and Amica began between the two entities in the year 2010 and since then has fought to strengthen the qualities of people with disabilities, promote their personal autonomy, their social integration and simplify all of them access to the labour market on equal terms.Once more Celeris group has made it clear his happy with the numerous actions that have been developed between Flisa and the Association Amica, such as seminars and exchange visits. All this has helped to progress in the fulfilment of the different objectives of the Convention as social integration and equality of conditions with the rest of society when it comes to access to the labour market.

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The Association

… sees soon if as a repeated sanction can consolidate the association, until the moment where the assimilation will become possible with the progress of intelligence: It is what it happens when is played constantly with the child, when it stimulates if and it encourages it etc. (PIAGET, 1975, p.46). Of this form, the playful process of the game, if interrelates with all the forces of the creative imagination of the citizen, that at this moment if allows to live deeply the most varied papers and the most varied knowledge, articulating them enters itself, serves as relief of the tensions and is useful to give rest to it to the soul, therefore in the ludicidade process it is penetrated in the magical feeling of reality, where the time loses of a certainty forms its value starting to produce with the sensation to be beyond the nature. The author follows placing that the game evolves, for the opposite, for tension and relaxation, … ' ' relaxation of the adaptativo effort and for maintenance or exercise of activities for the only pleasure to dominate them and of it to extract as that a feeling of effectiveness or poder' '. (PIAGET, 1975, p.118). He is difficult somebody to say that a child does not need to play.

However, the adults are rare who take this necessity the serious one. My personal experience with infantile psychology, sample that the infantile reality is constituted from the magic, of the fancy. I believe that to play it is, for the child, a magical moment. Playing it feeds its interior life, thus liberating, its capacity to create and reverse speed-to invent the world. Playing provides the acquisition of new knowledge, develops abilities of natural and pleasant form. It is one of the necessities basic of the child, it is essential for a good motor, social, emotional and cognitivo development.

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Love Came

Do loyal customers who came out of each – a favorite occupation of Russian retail and service. It goes without saying that 'Technosila', for example, at least three times in my life go down each. And if it does not forget the card issued to him once, the company will lose 10% of the proceeds from this sale. Why? This man came here not for the discount and make a purchase. He came here for the second time in three years, and cherished the card every day.

Considering this 'loyalty program' in a large square, we will see an elementary sacrifice a significant part of the company's profits. Accordingly, a conclusion first: the loyalty, as in love, selectivity is important. Love everybody immoral. For many years, domestic Methodists offered to accompany the buyer on his way 'life cycle', from 'no buyer' to 'loyal customers' podlizyvayas and spoiling it. Perhaps someone even managed to grow a loyal buyer of an athlete's pastry shop, but Overall, this insinuation. You have decided to go into business, have opened shop, grown up to trade marketing.

And now you think that the whole area of your marketing efforts and entrepreneurial talent will walk into eclairs at Breakfast, lunch and dinner? You are mistaken. Your business – your choice, they figure – their choice. Respect the choice of your 'no buyers' and increase the loyalty of those who are ready for it. This is the second conclusion. According to market research retailers conducted by the agency quans Research in 2008, about 25% of shoppers regularly visit only one grocery store.

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Created Services

Create a web page that sells is the first step of my Easy G & L Circle system and is the first in what I focus when I’m giving private coaching to my VIP clients. Because of what it is that your services are excellent if, when the visitor enters, you can’t sell them. Here are the basic elements that I use in my website so you also can achieve sell your coaching or consulting services through your website. Do not ignore any of them. 1 Create services or infoproduct that customer need and want this was the mistake that I made 3 years ago in my business. Created as a crazy special reports for a market that didn’t need them. Therefore, your first step is to know exactly what your customers need and want to buy.

This succeed you doing surveys to your list. An example is the following question which I taught my VIP client of Coaching private Ana Zabaleta, of Sign up for your newsletter, and when you land on your welcome page, you will notice the masterful question that allows you to create services and infoproduct that are sold. This question does not fail to learn what your customers want it! 2 Usa testimonials the use of testimonies is the safest way of successfully selling your services and one of your main goals: frequently obtain testimonies for use in your web page. I have dozens and dozens of testimonies of entrepreneurs who earn thousands of dollars with my knowledge. When a potential customer is interested in my private coaching or consulting services, sending it first to that page. Or I have a link on my page with testimonials followed by the goal I want to achieve with that visitor. But I have no testimonials, Diana! I had no testimony at the beginning, but I began to ask them in my newsletter and publish them.

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On-Line Training

Bring the franchise through the on-line training. That is what they will do from now on mundoFranquiciaconsulting, the renowned Spanish consultant (http.// And it is that the firm has proposed reinforce its informative work on the wide range of possibilities offered by this formula business through new technologies. A work that will perform with the completion of 4 webminarios directed both franchisors and franchisees and which has been possible thanks to the collaboration of Bureau Veritas, the leading group in training. The franchise is proving to be a more than recommendable option for business.

Why hayq EU follow support and putting voice to their gifts. Therefore we wanted to leverage the advantages that offer on-line training programs through knowledge make Bureau Veritas, emphasizes Mariano Alonso, his general managing partner. At the same time Jose Luis Lombardero, Director General of Bureau Veritas training, added our grain of sand in this initiative is the of make available for franchisors and their partners a well-known system eLearning has the best and most innovative solutions. Thus the things with this new offer of services of mundoFranquiciaconsulting will allow that they can geographically dispersed audiences and markets learning and training with the best content and experts. Our team of consultants has created very practical and useful content for franchisors such as franchisees, both added Alonso. These are the webminarios in question: Webinar 1: La franchise as a business opportunity what is a franchise? Franchise and other trading partner systems. Franchise agreement legal framework. 2 Webinar: How to buy my self-assessment La franchise.

Franchisee profile. Rights news of the franchisee. Analysis and selection of the franchise. Tips in buying a franchise. 3 Webinar: As franchising my business for which franchising? Can I franchise my business? The analysis of viability. How do my project from franchise? 4 Webinar: How to manage the network of franchises how to organize the Central franchise? Functions franchisers. Assistance to the network. Initial and continuous. The transmission of experiences. Training and manuals of franchise. The Expansion of the chain. How to get franchisees. Likewise stressed that the bet of mundoFranquiciaconsulting for virtual training is not the first that makes. Recently, in collaboration with the AEF (Asociacion Espanola de Franquiciadores) launched three complete training courses providing all the technical content and embarked on functions of management and consultative support. These are: 1. course for future franchisees, of 30 hours. 2. Superior course of franchises, 80 hours. 3. Course of direction and management of franchises, 200 hours. For the management of interviews or more information: Nuria Coronado Sopena Salvia Director communication _ Avenue of industry, 13.

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