fairvesta increases its turnover for the previous year once again at 36, 4prozent Tubingen / 19.01.2011. Tubingen fairvesta group could raise last year when investors a total placement equity by EUR 102.3 million. Of these, EUR 2.95 million were sales from the company’s secondary market transactions. Thus the Tubingen specialist for real estate again boosted its revenue year by 36.4 percent and can use so for themselves in order to have the most successful business year for the eighth time in a row. fairvesta is specialized in the trade with high-quality residential and commercial real estate and was founded in the year 2002 so far eleven funds with a volume of EUR 346 million successfully place and realize.
The fairvesta funds are only equity capital based. Currently, about 8,000 investors expressing confidence fairvesta. An important reason for the success is the fact that all real estate debt and are clear and so far all according to Otmar Knoll as sales representative fairvesta prospected income could be generated. For example for the investors at the Mercatus Fund, this means that annual takings of 6.5 percent and the corresponding profit write-ups have been realized. The previously generated returns over all the funds were clearly double-digit average. All the tax benefits unless they were part of the concept of emission could be guaranteed to the fullest extent and in addition and confirmed by completed audit.
This is confirmed also by the current WP audited balance. Last year, its first loan on the market, which is characterised by a first-class mortgage insurance as well as inflation protection brought fairvesta in addition to the new Fund. The times are variable in the short to medium term and provide investors with a guaranteed interest rate, which is significantly above the market level. In 2010 many quality and yield real estate could by fairvesta again are bought and sold. Especially the second half of the year was characterized by an increased residential and commercial real estate”demand from domestic and foreign investors, said Otmar Knoll. So succeeded in the Swabian company also in 2010, to meet the very high demands on their own goals for the purchase and sale. In a slightly rising market, real estate to the part in the package even at a higher price than the current market value could be resold. Good results but for fairvesta no reason to rest. So will the Knoll real estate expert significantly increase the earnings this year and simultaneously place a focus on the significant expansion of the core business real estate trade. The fact is right now: such results could be fairvesta in 2010 once more than one of the leading providers in the area of real estate trade in the German investment market position. This market-leading position to continue be equipped in the future. Information about the company: