Brains think of nothing – dikutieren to the top topic in the marketing experts. When making purchase decisions, different processes take place in the brain. Which are exactly and use them as for the product advertising, busy neuro marketing itself. The branch of marketing research utilizes advances in brain research here. Experts from science and practice met now within the framework of a series of region in the 2010 “, to illuminate the popular subject from all sides. Initiators of the neuro Marketing Workshop: new ways of thinking? New ways?”were the University of Siegen, the industrial and trade Club South gasses e. V.
the wirtschaftsjunioren victory/Westerwald and the wirtschaftsjunioren South Westphalia. As an expert from the ranks of the Markenoptimierer, Marco Petracca, head of brand consulting by psv marketing, had been invited as expert advisor. With his experience from the practice he impressively showed the weaknesses of neuro marketing. While he underscore the compelling and sustainable effects examples Mark. Also Prof. Dr. Hanna Schramm-Klein from the Department of marketing of the University of Siegen and PD Dr. Bernd Weber from the Department of epileptology, University of Bonn & head NeuroCognition in their lectures, confirmed that neuro marketing currently still not can be used for predictions of buyer behavior. The online contribution of the University Siegen to the event at the Sparkasse Siegen found here.