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Why Do We Need Information Kiosks ?

We live in an age of global information availability. A person wants to receive it, always and everywhere: in public transport, on the street, standing in line How to make information about your organization and your service has been available to the maximum number of people 7 days a week, 24 hours a day? At the same time would like the information was relevant, comprehensive and extremely accessible to everyone. To solve the described problems created by information kiosks. Use kiosks can and inexperienced user, it will receive the full amount of the required information in the shortest time, at any time convenient to him. Even the language barrier does not become an obstacle to, the information may be presented in several languages.

The kiosk can perform different functions: – On-line catalog – Virtual Guide – Showroom – advertising platform – Electronic Registrar – A friendly consultant, etc. Self-service terminals are designed to provide service to your clients: reservations, payments, recording, downloading information or other services relevant to your organization. They allow you to avoid the queues without increasing staff. In addition, the terminal does not require monthly expenses, he may become a new source of income, if you use it as an advertising platform (for example, while no one uses the terminal, it can play commercials). You will provide potential clients an opportunity to learn about your organization that he finds interesting. The most important information the customer can print out. Also, through the terminal you be able to get feedback from your clients: feedback, suggestions, questionnaires, etc. In this case, no problem to lack of stationery. At present, the terminals are no longer a rarity, almost no areas of activity, wherever they were not used. Due to various design options, methods and paint colors, they fit perfectly in the interior of any agency, become his trademark.