Than to see us, see us and us. If we say prior, synonymous with native – here comes the surname of the esthetica – we refer to the nature – not to the natura nor the naturata, but the nasci the rialidad essence is previous, inner, simultaneous and contemporary, the ex-istencia and the reality that appears. Be as momentous subject. Grace and efficiency here is in question – better said: review – it is necessary to say something about it before continuing, one of – a mill wheel! – fallacies that have been assumed by the philosophy and, of course, by common sense. I refer to the conception and categorization of causality as a real dynamic and its dye of efficient causality. It should warn that behind always hides the principle of identity, teorematico axiom of the functioning of the reason supported by philosophy.
If I is possible to be concise, I unfold this, but this is necessary a small historical brushwork. With what birth of philosophy has been called admitted always, that there was a clear step – step on false and even missteps – than they were mythical conceptions of reality to what then – began in Miletus with the so called by Aristotle physicists before Socrates – pre-Socratic now – call them were the attempts of rational explanation. The first so-called cosmogonies, gave way to the early cosmologies. In a first moment, with the myth and then with logos, man did in both cases, echo of your need and thirst for origin. But what in the myth was the Arche arkh, origin, not temporary, or efficient, but originating Integrator. In the logos he took body of temporal and efficient explanation translated by temporary principle, more spatial substrate substance and by establishing physical, referral element. What Greek was called aitia we could translate the term esthetico grace, gratuity, don dwelt in the myth, even there are lags in the Milesians as the apeiron of Anaximander, became a causality which for many dyes that you want to give purpose or formality, can be reduced in terms of efficient causality with Aristotle.