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Unrecognized Literary Genres

Who would not love to at least occasionally read the literature of horror, the best of fantasy, detective novels. Sometimes, among just a pleasant entertainment reading, there are special books and a truly talented authors. Nevertheless, for most of us like literature remains outside literature “this”, and writers, no matter how talented and gifted they may be were, the language does not turn to call “great.” It seems impossible to put a writer who scribbled a massive literature, put on a par with the outstanding writers in the genre, say, realism or psychological prose. As and everywhere, here too there are exceptions. Writing very real horrors of Edgar Allan Poe rightly considered a classic, and the author of fiction Ray Bradbury, was appreciated by the world. Nevertheless, many talented writers are still considered second-rate writers of literature. What causes this phenomenon? After all issues raised by the authors of books in the genres of entertainment, often very serious, and if the writer really talent, the book becomes a real shock to the reader. But unfortunately, what often happens is that the abilities of a writer known only to fans of the genre, and most people have a good fantasy or horror a very superficial view based on familiarity with mediocre writers, which has recently become so much. Another reason lies in intellectual snobbery, which simply does not allow look at things uncomplicated look. It so happened that we have not assumed certain genres of “real” literature, and their authors – worthy of international recognition. Even the world famous novelists, such as Stephen King is still considered by many critics and readers simply just sponsored road pulp fiction bestseller in paperback. The injustice of this trend is obvious. In essence, it does not matter what kind of chosen genre writer. It is important to only one – to enrich the inner world of the book the reader not only entertained, but taught and if the author is able to excite the reader, make him start thinking seriously about to tell a story to touch the strings in the soul – hence, the task is executed, and the book which the reader has closed, struck read, refers to the “real” literature. This is the only meaningful criterion by which to evaluate both writer, and a novel. And Stephen King, author of horror, this criterion is certainly a great writer. Unfortunately, the picture that there is now in bookstores, very sad – the shelves are full of low-grade, mediocre literature. Much of this waste paper refers specifically to the above genres, in which, as erroneously believed to create the easiest. In today’s world literature has become a business, commercial business, and talent, oddly enough, is not the most important thing for this writer. Against this backdrop, even the extremely talented, but not too well-known authors lose the opportunity to fully express themselves, find their readers and get deserved recognition. Dominance rather gray, and sometimes frankly mediocre writers, only exacerbates the attitude towards the so-called entertainment genres and not allow them to qualify for something more.