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A survey, which also interviewed managers, finds that the major key success factors in their businesses are as follows. cost efficiency (21%), access to funding sources (18%), the use of a tecnologys for the sector (14%) and product quality (14%) . It is also consensus on the value obtained in accordance with an established rating scale, the main internal factors that favor the success of innovation in the sector are: the successful integration and cooperation among the areas (3.5) the existence of a creative environment (4.2), motivation and willingness for innovation in management (4.8), the improvement of workers (5.3) and the existence of a flexible, decentralized and little formalized ( 6.2), supported by a fast and effective internal communication, an address open to new ideas and risk-taking with participatory decision, however, give you a little weight to the strategy of innovation supported by a PDT, surveillance technological access to scientific and technological relations with the ECITE and CES, and the effort to provide resources to develop R & D + i. a generally agree that environmental factors are most influential and innovative key to the success are: the economic situation (1.4), the changes required by the turbulence of the global economy (2.5) and ease of access to sources of funding (2.5), supported by the existence of state policies to support innovation (3.8), the presence of tenders for improvement and networks which facilitate scientific and technological information and advice (4.1). a Finally, generally consider that the main obstacles or barriers to innovation (or factors of failure) in business-side mechanisms is that lack of efficient mechanisms for financing (17%), poor project management running the company (15%) and low cooperation and integration among the areas of the company (11%), although no longer be considered too, the little link with the science sector (8%) and the lack of effective mechanisms to provide incentives to innovate (6%), but concern is the fact that they are not identified obstacles such as bureaucracy, will and motivation of managers and workers, excessive decentralization and insufficient improvement. .

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