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Magazine Clients

With the money it is possible to be bought the book, but not it intelligence, rl luxury, prto not it beauty. Anonymous. Cinsideraciones, reaches All good management must be prepared for the changes, knowledge to confront challenges, mainly, when a crisis occurs that affects their behavior in the markets, must know like acting, of such form, that it is not harmed the operativity and the reached profits. The management must count on a management of markets that it has well defined his functions according to the modern requirements, in order to guaranteeresults, thanks to its strategic plans, objectives, mutual understanding of the characteristics of the markets, scene where it acts. Of knowing when a crisis appears and how it must handle it of such form that is not affected. In an interesting writing on the subject, Estr@tegia Magazine, indicates that marketing in the days of crisis forces to follow two rules: 1 – It is not possible to be lost a single client, and 2 – It is necessary to rob to the competition all the clients to him who are intelligently possible.

The subject of retention of clients has not managed – lamentably to capture the same amount of action and budgets that are destined to the acquisition of new clients. Worse still, in many cases the plans destined to the attraction of new clients offer to these majors advantages, in terms of price I benefits, that those that enjoys the clients old. This flame the attention if we consider that costs – like average six times to more obtain the sponsorship of a new client who to retain a present client. Another factor to consider, is indicated, it is that there is an amount of companies – not sufficient them that they are incorporating new ways to add value. This factor that quickly is perceived by the clients, it has happened to be in just a short time right an acquired and not benefit differentiator, and has forced the organizations to continue implementing new tactics of added value and to make of it a permanent practice.

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Domestic Economy

This characteristic of private consumption clears an incognito of all productive activity as he is " colocacin" of the production. The mini process of commercialization even requires some complexity that increases with the search of ampler markets. Our experience, is that great " neck of botella" of small and the medians it trains, are the systems of commercialization and trade. During long time we have listened to official exhortations the production for the export. And we can assure that an operation of foreign trade is extremely complex. Meaning that to export (or to import) requires a complex structure of commercialization, besides volumes of production and quality control. On the other hand, if it is difficult to conquer a local or internal market, more it is to enter, it an external market.

But we leave to the foreign trade or the interior of great volumes for the production structures and commercialization, are that them and very apt in the country. We remember, by the expressed thing precedingly that many people, will not have at least at the moment labor insertion in those structures or they have perhaps it partially. It is in this expanded scope, where the concept of Domestic Economy acquires value. Because all do not have because to have read our works on individual, is worth to remember that such concept includes/understands activities such as: the familiar kitchen garden, the domestic animal young, the bread elaboration and you graze, the candy elaboration, conserves and inlays. The preparation, I mend and mended of clothes and footwear, and activities like the puericultura and prevention of the health. To promote the benefits of the Domestic Economy, implies systematic, asystematic and parasistematicas actions of the educative system and mass media. Favorable extremely turns out to know that in the Argentine atmosphere, there are public and private initiatives, oriented in the sense that we caused here.

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Manuel Day

Lic. Ricardo Candle Houses Beginnings In Huancavelica, city of the central mountain range resides the family Flowers. When tapeworm died its Aquiline father 12 years, the older son of the Flowers decides to emigrate. Thus he travels to Pisco. He begins grasping (collecting) cotton, His work of soon leads it to laborer to Bothers, Caete and finally, to Lima.

In the capital of Peru, the life began to gain washing cars in the neighborhood of the Central Market. He was a likeable boy and worker and, a day, the owner of one of the cars that washed, proposed to him that he sold some to him of the poles that made in their informal factory. He gave twenty him and he said to him that he took himself all along that he needed to him. But Aquiline he sold the twenty t-shirts in a single day. In this way, before to have reached the adolescence, passage of washer of cars to traveling salesman of clothes in center of Colonial it Lima. A day I ask to him its supplier of poles it could make if them with little figures of colors, that were the favourites of their clients.

and as that one did not make printed clothes, Aquiline subcontract to an informal dyer so that it added to adornments and images to the t-shirts that sold. The expansion the success smiles to him in such a way that soon after it buys a machine to sew. It begins to make his own articles, later decides to extend to average dozen of these machines. As the business worked well, Aquiline it was engaged in of Huancavelica to his brothers Manuel, Carlos, Marks and Arming it put and them to work with. Of traveling salesmen they soon happened to be stable retailers in the Central Market. The great jump the great jump of Aquiline the artisan business of Flowers began the day in which a drainage retailer, the border city between Peru and Bolivia and paradise of the contraband and the informal economy, did an order to him of ten thousand dollars of t-shirts with small drawings of colors! Immediately, subcontract to all the factories of preparation of the district and working to forced marches I get to give the ten thousand dollars of poles in the engaged terms.

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Los Angeles

If you are of whom they think that a home besides all the exposed one must be pleasant, some points exist helped that it to obtain it. Perhaps one of them, the fundamental one is to feel like part of, to obtain an intimate and reciprocal relation between you and the surroundings and for this many forms exist to adapt it to their tastes and needs that seran in the end it makes what it feel but comfortable and happy with the space that it surrounds. The personality of each side reflected in the walls with the tone and color of the painting, in the decoration of the rooms with the adornments and illumination that is placed, in the kitchen with the implementos necessary to develop his but delicious plates. Also in the room and the dormitories with the furniture that better it pleases to him and that makes him feel a only being essentially different from all the others. Not tuene price the possibility at will of molding all the corners of its home, as the best place can be its garden where to see grow to its children playing freely between the shrubs or the trees of the patio. They understand thus it in Sunset Strip Realty where a place for each taste exists, a property with only and different typical within the ample variety that forms the great real estate certelera of this agency, pioneer in the Real Estate of Los Angeles and the environs. Here according to the profile of each client, by means of interviews with the interested ones in investing in properties in Los Angeles it is developed to an idea about the tastes and the needs to sharpen the aim and to obtain in the smaller term and with the major efficiency, a home with the typical that is been looking for and that until today not yet habia managed to find. That special place, that place in waits for it to the world and Sunset Strip Realty is its better ally to find it fast and safe. I almost can see that sensation of satisfaction in its smile, is the same that thousands of happy clients with its business, the business of its lives thanks to the advising of Sunset Strip Realty. That? It has contacted not yet them?

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