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Moreover Procedures

CAN IMPROVE PRACTICES. In a modern approach to maintenance, the best way of removing the tool is finishing with the repair tool-driven culture. It must become productive teams in Confiables, this is available as much as possible, but not only reliable, but that reliable time at the lowest possible cost, which translates into the more high availability of equipment at the lowest cost. From this approach, reliability is optimized not maximized. This derives in a discriminatory strategy, between maximizing availability vs. the costs of obtaining it and Moreover the profitability of business vs. risk of non-availability.

This strategy is formalized in many companies in developed countries through the use of the tactics of the Reliability Centered Maintenance: (RCM) or what we will call availability-centric maintenance: (MCD) cover the total is the central strategic role in the monitoring of oils. We use the monitoring of oils to measure quality; quality of design of machines quality of facilities and their design quality of the maintenance quality components and their operation; (Proactive maintenance). We also use it to schedule specific actions of maintenance, i.e. as an instrument of planning of maintenance, and many other subjects. d Jr for a more varied view. Anyway, obtaining quality, is not the role of the monitoring of oils. When we define the appropriate procedures define the sense of quality, in the context of the availability of the equipment.

Prior to abandoning the older ritual practices, we must identify the appropriate procedures. Then we need to teach and train in these procedures. Finally we must execute proper procedures and for this the corresponding stimuli should be from senior management. Incorporating them into the thought and culture of the organization is key. It is not enough to declare a commitment to change and proper procedures. Lasting cultural changes require much more. Many organizations look to establish the appropriate procedures in writing, reinforcing them with a statement of the Vision of the company in this matter.

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Panda Security System

How did the "Collective Intelligence" More recently, the main objective of hackers and kiberzloumyshlennikov was not his own glory or to compete with "colleagues", and the real financial benefits from their activities. This led to more than thirty million different malicious programs that steal passwords, personal information of users, lured a number of ways the money the victims of fraud. Antivirus companies do not have time to analyze huge amount of new malware. More recently, to deal effectively with traditional virus users have been sufficient to have available just antivirus. Later, it became necessary to supplement it personal firewall and antispyware protection.

As the number of zero-day attacks, "it became clear that the need to develop new methods to combat them. Another reason for the change of the approach to combat "Malware" – has arisen the need to keep on your hard disk database of millions of viruses. To keep a record of all malicious programs, the signature file must be very large. Such a database can up to several hundred terabytes! Naturally, the large size of this file can not affect system performance. Because stalChto is "Collective Intelligence" Collective Intelligence system operates in real time as the online database, which stores a huge number of signatures.

Only a small portion is located on the user's pc. "Collective intelligence" – is a system threat management, which is based on common grouped knowledge, the experience gained by all users of Panda (which millions of customers in virtually all countries of the world). Each node that uses solutions Panda Security, becomes in this case sensor and the collector-specific data, such as the behavior of programs. Thus, a most rich database of malicious software. Today, "Collective Intelligence" has information on nearly 100 Millions of threats. In addition, based on the new system is the automation of processes that were previously done manually. All this happens within the laboratory infrastructure PandLabs, have a greater capacity for processing necessary information.

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