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Abandoned Children And The Affection: An Analysis Of The Critical Time

Abandoned children and the Affection: An Analysis of the Critical Time SUMMARY: The importance of a father and a mother for a child is a imensurvel necessity. Unhappyly those children exist, and they are not few, that its father or its mother does not know, or even though none of the two. Generally are children abandoned and devoid of affection and affection. The child and the adolescent are beings in development and, as such, must receive a special and integral protection on the part from the State. (VENOSA, 2005). In our society, the statute of the child and the adolescent would offer to these to the best conditions of security and necessary support for its development.

However, the reality is another one well, if to give to a possibility to these children, helping them to establish it affection relations, confidence, of happiness, them will be capable of, later, constructing steady families and exerting its rights of citizenship fully. Read additional details here: Wells Fargo. The objective of this article is to analyze which is the time or necessary period for the consolidation of the familiar affection in the question of the abandoned child. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Abandoned children, Affection, Society, Better Conditions, Rights of citizenship. ABSTRACT: The importance of to father and to mother you a child is an immeasurable need. Unfortunately there ploughs those children, and there ploughs few, who know not to their to father or to mother, or even to neither. Usually they ploughs abandoned and in need of love and affection.

Children and adolescents ploughs developing human beings and such should receive special protection and integral part of the state. (VENOUS, 2005). In our society, the status of children and adolescents would to offer these you the best conditions of safety and support necessary will be to their development. However, the reality is quit different if we give the possibility will be these children, helping them you establish relations of affection, trust, happiness, they will be able, to later, you build stable families and fully exercise to their citizenship rights.

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Artesian Wells

The perforation of artesian wells is present in Goinia that is a great urban capital, repleta of great companies and residences and also possesss a great agricultural area, with small farms and farms, the perforation of wells brings important benefits for who opts to using them and many constructors are firmed in this type of project. The perforation of artesian wells against the account brings monthly economy of water, for residences and companies in up to 60%, disponibilizando a bigger monitoramento on wastefulness in the water supply, beyond being a removed water of the subsoil that passes for a rigorous process of purificao, improving its condition of consumption. The benefits of artesian wells are great for farms and small farms also, therefore quality water prevents the consuming and loss of energy of the animals, beyond saving in the supplying of water throughs. The perforation of artesian wells can be of small, average and great outflow in any type of land, depends very on the constructor who will make, the techniques of elaboration of the project, choice of the place, construction of the well, test of outflow, reports and grant of right and use must be followed for the good conclusion of a perforation project. Therefore it is important to look one appraised constructor in Goinia for the elaboration of this project and total exploitation of its benefits.

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The research is of qualitative matrix and quantitative, through a literature revision, on the basis of the searched information, were selected some item important where they will be boarded (as and which dreams they had when they had been victims of the abandonment, when it perceived that it would not find more with its father, and which occured the social and psychological changes after all these types of event) and a field research. The literature revision has basic paper in the academic work, therefore he is through it that you inside point out its work of the great seek area of which is part, contextualizando it, the method is hermeneutic and whose the source of collection of data is qualitative. To point out the work is very important in such a way for who makes how much for the reader of the text: for who it writes, because it will need to define the pertinent authors to base its work, what it will demand a vast reading, constant and repeated; for who reads, because it can identify the theoretical line where the work if inserts with base in the authors selected for the literature revision. Through the literature revision, it is possible to report and to evaluate the knowledge produced in previous research, detaching excellent concepts, procedures, results, quarrels and conclusions for its work. In this part of the work to foresee to argue the questions related to the state of the art of the area where its research if inserts. To construct a revision is not easy task. A reading deepened and intense of the texts is necessary that will be used as reference. For the revision, it has taken in account) the verbs used for the author in citations; b) the relation between the cited research (if they overlap contrast between itself); c) it justifies the presence of the cited texts; d) explicite where moments you are the only author of the text that is being constructed.

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