It is completely new an economic model and that is beginning to show its power and that it is changing the form to make businesses of an industry after another one, and thus until reaching to all. Before question of if It is possible to make money in Internet with a Digital Business? The answer is fully Yes. And I to it do not say. Returning again to the good and famous book of Chris Anderson, the Economy Long Tail or the Long Tail we in the last took as example a study realised by AC Nielsen in 2005 paragraph from the l$p. 264 in which it says that more than 724,000 North Americans they inform into which eBay is his first or second source of income and is necessary to consider that in this study is not Amazon, ClickBank, Comission Junction, Paypal Thanks to the New Technologies and to Internet, are broken the Barriers of Entrance to the production and product commercialization and services to give access to million people. This has allowed that hundreds of thousands of North Americans and all parts, individual and anonymous people find been able to make money with their likings and their hobbies because they have found and have communicated of effective form with a group of people (market niche) at global level with the same passions and likings and have been sold you a traverse of a Digital Business of very profitable form. ! The Micromarkets have been dominated the Macromarkets! I hope that the article him has been useful and of its interest. Chicoaceb greetings Specialistic Lopez in Marketing and Trade International..
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