This topic is important, because the vector must be able to draw each designer. Moreover, it must quickly and accurately to do it. Previously, I took time to draw a vector. But I had to use trickery to increase the rate of work! Let's begin. Our task draw vector. In simple terms, it is necessary to draw a bitmap over a vector. Now we need to get this result.
I spent about 30 minutes. I use a graphics tablet. You can download my source code with the raster image on the site. 1) Select the size of the working area A3. Place the picture in the center of the workspace. Scroll to the machine and press A. Now lock object.
2) Unlocking the object is as well as blocking. Select the Bezier tool. With it, we will draw the bitmap objects. 3) Press the button and put points on the perimeter of the object. If hold down the Alt key you can move a node on the working field. You can create new points, holding the left mouse button. We get smooth fillets. 4) Start with the edges of the image and go around the perimeter of the form. Did not immediately get the correct path. Then you must work with each node. When you short the circuit, you can see the arrow. She works as a peg. Put a straight line in the middle of the car. Line should be flat! 5) When will create all the curves, use of intellectual casting. Select the toolbar, this tool by clicking on the button. 6) Now click on each of the image. By default, the flood in gray. You can just change the color or later, in the process. Remember that if an area is closed, only then going to work this tool. Area of future fill should be limited to lines. 7) Now paint half the car. Can use gradients. 8) When you decorate half of the machine, move the colored pieces right in increments of 500 mm. 9) Group the item. Flip the piece by docker. 10) Detail of the affected, but one can see that our car is composed of 2 halves. 11) Combine the slices by pressing together. 12) Group the object (Ctrl + g). 13) Ask a gradient of some objects! 14) Highlight the entire group and deprive it of the contour. Download the video to this article on the site!
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