When installing a pellet heating system, refurbishers immediately 5000 euro can collect funds and in future, reduce heating costs up to 50 percent good news for Heizungsmodernisierer in Saxony. The State promotes starting now the installation of pellet heating systems with at least 2,500 euros. Thus, Saxony doubled the funding of the Federal Government. Heating refurbishers receive because even by the Federal Government for the installation of a pellet-fired boiler with buffer memory 2,500 euros, altogether 5,000 promotion. Installing a pellet heating system in Saxony is therefore as cheap as never before.
In addition to promoting double the price advantage of wood pellets compared to oil or gas on record high is. Currently, wood pellets are only about half as expensive as fuel oil and, depending on the region of 30 to 40 percent cheaper than natural gas. Wood pellets help so, significantly reduce heating costs”, says German pellets spokeswoman Claudia Rohr. With the double promotion a modern pellet heating system not once will cost the consumer more than a conventional heating system. German pellets advises therefore, is now rapidly to opt for a conversion. The additional support of Saxony is valid until September 30 this year. According to Saxon Energy Agency (s) the establishment funded by pellet heaters from 5 kW to including 100 kW. Only systems in existing buildings by private individuals as well as small and medium-sized enterprises as well as public facilities are eligible for funding.
Applications must be submitted to the Saxon Development Bank (SAB). Apply wood pellets as a fuel of the future: renewable, CO2-neutral, native, and stable. German operates two plants in Saxony in Torgau and Lobau pellets as Holzpelletproduzent Europe’s largest with a total of 18 plants. From here we provide the rapidly growing markets in Northern Bavaria, Berlin-Brandenburg, Saxony and Saxony”, says spokeswoman Claudia Rohr. Germany wide there are approximately a quarter of a million pellet heaters and stoves, tendency rising. Background: wood pellets are small cylindrical Compacts, which are pressed together from dried sawdust without chemical additives. You are burned in specially designed, modern Pelletzentralheizungen and ovens. Wood pellets are used in power plants for the production of green electricity and district heating.