Lawyers set damages for Santander customers through a reopening of the Santander asset management funds Kapitalprotekt P (WKN SEB1AA / ISIN DE000SEB1AA9) is increasingly unlikely. Through the liquidation of CS Euroreal and SEB Immoinvest, two open-ended real estate funds in which the Kapitalprotekt has invested P, investors will have to wait possibly on their money until the end of the winding-up of SEB Immoinvest and CS Euroreal, were estimated for the period of 5 years. Whether they ever fully get their money back, is currently completely open. This is especially bad for investors, which as part of their investment advice or the SEB/Santander asset management of the Fund as safe and always available at the Depot has been given. The former SEB asset management customers Bank was recommended late 2008 the diversion of their funds very conservatively applied as a safe part of the assets in these funds. But the Fund was always uncertain over the years, the risks increased dramatically. The background is that open Real estate funds, in which large parts of the Fund’s assets are invested have only suspended the redemption and later decided its liquidation. Thus created risk, which are not compatible with a safe, conservative investment.
Many asset management clients were been transferred Bank with retail banking of the SEB to the Santander Bank, were not informed about this development. Also fund shares were not sold by the asset management, what they would have been required in our opinion. We see good opportunities to get fully back their invested money in the form of damages for asset management customers of Santander Bank, which have the Santander asset management funds Kapitalprotekt P in their management Depot. We are for an assessment of their personal situation and your legal options. Call us, we know how investors come into their own.