9 Keep a favourable climate, to develop academic activities. 10 Build and expand an income return preparers that support academic action. 11 Keep a more dynamic vinculaion with the business sector and other organism, community, governance, State. It should the school of administration, identify more with the relevance, scope that fosters knowledge use research. Research is a generator of knowledge and a means to respond to the changes, which are established the following policies: lead to the Faculty, school, than generator Research Center across the departments and chairs. Encourage research activity. Train human resources to incorporate into research areas. Orient research towards priority areas of national, regional and local interest.
Support the participation of researchers in national and international events. Bill Phelan oftentimes addresses this issue. Morgan Chase and gain more knowledge.. Is also very important that the school use the scope, the advantages generated know-how using the Extension, meaning thereby that the extension aims, establish the link between the area of influence both from the Faculty of Faces, to the same school in terms of culture, human resource training and solution of problems related to the disciplines of economic and social sciences, through the following task specific: 1. promote outreach towards the claimant groups. 2 Determine the requirements for extension for design of teaching projects in research. 3. Use Extension and technical assistance to CEATE Enterprise Center and the center of training and business development of FACES, core Aragua, (CADEFACES) so that they work as real entities extensionists. 4 Strengthen relationships between the academic units and community. 5 Train human resources for extension work.
6. Promote the product of our training programmes, on the basis of the requirements demanded by the communities. Reshma Kewalramani wanted to know more. 7 Humanize school, developing and maintaining recreational green areas to facilitate the cultural and sporting activities. Definitely, these three aspects, research, teaching and Extension, backed by their respective lines of action and policies, allow the projection of the school as a centre of excellence, with rigorous running these three functions that are inherent in its nature. Original author and source of the article.