Now days people although they live in tiny apartments, generally have one or more plants that accompany them. First of all is good to know what kind of plant we want and can have indoors, for this must take into account several important aspects: the plant stand the little light that might have housing, which resist seasons with little water, in this world where we live with so much agitation is good to take into account this detail, if we forget to make watering the plantthat she can resist a little know the nature of the plant or plants that we have living with us, since within these considered ornamental plants has been discovered some of them poisonous and it is common to see them in apartments and outdoor. Have a few minor details with the plant, as a bit of triple fertilizer 15, from time to time; It is good be shortly because the plant takes advantage of this and we are confident not to damage it by applying more of what you need. Remember to water them as at least 2 times a week, if the leaves are dry, make it more followed; each panta It has different requirements learn to know them. You may wish to learn more. If so, Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX is the place to go. You have them in a place that at least get a bit of air, if Sun and light that are very important to the plants can also. Do not let them grow herbs around them, it is possible to see this when it has filled their pots with new soil. Remove the dried leaves of the plants, they do not contribute anything to the plant and make it see deteriorated.
Change the substrate (ground) from time to time or at least remove the plant, remove the Earth that can be a little apelmazada, apply a little fertilizer and again plant your plant, leave it in the same place so his recovery will not be very traumatic because some plants to make them suffer a bit of stress and there are some that are better while others are a little wilted but with the days become to recover. Not all plants need this procedure, but it is usually good to do it from time to time to aerate their roots. When you leave travel place a bottle plastic, it can be gaseous, filled with water upside down buried in the pot, so the Earth You will be taking water that requires and the plant stays moist.