Bring the franchise through the on-line training. That is what they will do from now on mundoFranquiciaconsulting, the renowned Spanish consultant (http.// And it is that the firm has proposed reinforce its informative work on the wide range of possibilities offered by this formula business through new technologies. A work that will perform with the completion of 4 webminarios directed both franchisors and franchisees and which has been possible thanks to the collaboration of Bureau Veritas, the leading group in training. The franchise is proving to be a more than recommendable option for business.
Why hayq EU follow support and putting voice to their gifts. Therefore we wanted to leverage the advantages that offer on-line training programs through knowledge make Bureau Veritas, emphasizes Mariano Alonso, his general managing partner. At the same time Jose Luis Lombardero, Director General of Bureau Veritas training, added our grain of sand in this initiative is the of make available for franchisors and their partners a well-known system eLearning has the best and most innovative solutions. Thus the things with this new offer of services of mundoFranquiciaconsulting will allow that they can geographically dispersed audiences and markets learning and training with the best content and experts. Our team of consultants has created very practical and useful content for franchisors such as franchisees, both added Alonso. These are the webminarios in question: Webinar 1: La franchise as a business opportunity what is a franchise? Franchise and other trading partner systems. Franchise agreement legal framework. 2 Webinar: How to buy my self-assessment La franchise.
Franchisee profile. Rights news of the franchisee. Analysis and selection of the franchise. Tips in buying a franchise. 3 Webinar: As franchising my business for which franchising? Can I franchise my business? The analysis of viability. How do my project from franchise? 4 Webinar: How to manage the network of franchises how to organize the Central franchise? Functions franchisers. Assistance to the network. Initial and continuous. The transmission of experiences. Training and manuals of franchise. The Expansion of the chain. How to get franchisees. Likewise stressed that the bet of mundoFranquiciaconsulting for virtual training is not the first that makes. Recently, in collaboration with the AEF (Asociacion Espanola de Franquiciadores) launched three complete training courses providing all the technical content and embarked on functions of management and consultative support. These are: 1. course for future franchisees, of 30 hours. 2. Superior course of franchises, 80 hours. 3. Course of direction and management of franchises, 200 hours. For the management of interviews or more information: Nuria Coronado Sopena Salvia Director communication _ Avenue of industry, 13.
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