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Mobile Phone

In the event of an accident, the emergency first responders (EMTs, paramedics, fire brigades) on fast, often life-saving information are instructed. In the event of an accident, the emergency first responders (EMTs, paramedics, fire brigades) on fast, often life-saving information are instructed. Where and how to find this information? How do they know which family members or friends can contact you? On my, you can make in four simple steps mobile wallpapers (Mobile logo) and download to use your mobile phone’s display for personal, individual emergency information. But where and how can you find this information? How do they know which family members or friends can contact you? Meanwhile, it is a fact that almost all accident victims carry cell phones with them. The website my”offers the ideal solution to use individual emergency information the display of a mobile phone as a platform for personal, preventive. Two can do it “Phone numbers but also information such as allergies to be,” Diabetes “or blood group. The vast majority of the population carries no information, who can contact in case of emergency (initial) helper.

Therefore often important and possibly life-saving information in a timely manner obtained. Moreover, only very late, the next of kin know about an emergency. The emergency first responders (EMTs, paramedics, fire brigades) have suggested that everyone in his cell phone address book enters the person to contact in an emergency under the same pseudonym. “First responders usually but don’t have the time, is first in the operation of a (foreign) mobile phone to work, then the function address book” to enable to find the desired entries. From the website my”mobile wallpapers can be downloaded in just a few steps, which were previously fitted with the relevant emergency information. After activation of the selected background image (see example Figure) have first responders or hospital staff all important information immediately before eyes on the mobile phone display and can easily make contact with members. This InterMedia service costs EUR 1.99 per wallpaper. The amount is billed via the mobile phone bill and moved in. Important: This is not a subscription process yet further obligations arise. InterMedia – s Lemke Sebastian Lemke In the sand forest 18 40883 Ratingen phone: 02102/1675723 E-Mail: