Sales sentiment falls slightly / current and future importance of iPhone, iPad & co. Eltville am Rhein, 05.09.2011. Sales brokers and multiple agents is in the current study AssCompact trend III / 2011 once again slightly declined. Currently, nearly 80% of respondents indicating they were at least satisfied with the distribution of financial services. In the study of TRENDS II / 2011, the assessment was still about 2 percentage points higher. The mediator see more positive in the future. Over two-thirds of respondents expect an improvement in their business compared to the previous year 2011. Less than 10% of the participants expect a deterioration.
No surprises when the product recommendations and landings in the customer address personal risks like for example death and disability, the insurance optimization as well as private pension plans have the highest priority. The product sales are dominated by the disability insurance. This is followed by the private liability, the household and the motor insurance. Changes in the The respondents agents Crown favorites of intermediaries”such as each quarter its favored product providers in 26 product categories. As usual is changes in the rankings the result of. For example, pension insurance of the old Leipzig as well as HDI-Gerling at the top could rise within the linked 3. Both companies now share third place. The Rurup pension products the Alliance Federal replaces the people well as leader.
Use and benefits of apps”in the intermediary market gap” represents the current special issue deals with the current and future use of mobile information services and applications “in the intermediary market. Because so far largely lacking detailed knowledge about the usage patterns of the intermediary and the evaluation of new information technologies from the broker perspective. Mostly professional use of iPhone, iPad & co. So, currently almost half of the respondents brokers and multiple agents has a Smartphone and almost a third of a Tablet PC.