The prudence never must walk with the ganacia, to be cautious requires wisdom, to be greedy requires weakness and fear. A good entrepreneur never delivers itself to the fear and he is always cautious. Risk is trivial Never if it more than applies what if it has, this must be the basic rule for applications in new businesses or existing business-oriented innovations already. People such as Robert Kiyosaki would likely agree. I oppose to make is truily to give it one ' ' shot in escuro' '. In a similar way, never it pays what it is offered by the salesman or if presents as value of the enterprise, many times if purchase bananas for the diamond price and the return never will be the sapphire price. Another basic rule is to distrust of that very if it seems easy of if transforming into gold, this is to buy ' ' gold of tolo' ' , therefore if it was so good as if it presents would not be for sale. An investment must be based on research on the acceptance of the market, on the possible minimum profit, the possibilities of is not more than paying what in fact valley, on possibilities of success and possible impediments in the profits, and mainly on the possibilities to skirt ackward events.
Risks are always easy to perceive when the entrepreneur does not leave the empolgao to take account of the reason, of the capacity to ponder. To examine with extension what it intends and the positive and negative possibilities minunciosamente, decisions taken in the fire of the moment, most of the time, result in ackward catastrophes. Bigger risks if present when the entrepreneur if leaves to lead for the fear of is errando and if he leaves to lead before without pondering its proper fear, the cause of the existence of this fear and if it has real value to be felt ahead of what he is presented as I negotiate to be closed, for example.