Fundamental definition of alphabetic writing spelling is in origin a phonetic script, although there is no any alphabet that is an exact representation of your language. Even in the case of the Spanish, which is next to the German one of languages that best represents your Phonics, there are 28 letters to represent your 24 basic phonemes. This demonstrates that you can write a single phoneme with more than one letter, such as the palatal/and /, which can be written according to the spelling rules with the letter and or with the digraph ll; ensure the phoneme/x /, which is written by the letters g or j (and in Mexico also x); or the phoneme/s/that for Hispanic Americans generally writes with the letters c, s and z, and in some words of nahuatl origin (see Aboriginal languages of Latin America) with the letter x. In other languages the mismatch between phonics and spelling is greater, as for example in the case of English, where only 25% of the words they are written using a phonetic adaptation. In addition, should take into account that the pronunciation of a language varies significantly both in space, so appear dialects, as in time. On the other hand, some spelling rules are grammatical source and non-phonetic, such as for example the capitalized any proper name, or type n to f or v. This grammatical requirement applies even to neologisms which come into the language. With respect to the use of capital letters, in the German language these are normative for common names too.
In the field of literary creation arise heterodox escrituracomo Bertolt Brecht, who writes his diary of work using only lowercase letters. In Spain, Juan Ramon Jimenez proposed to use only the j to represent the phoneme/x /. Three major stages, which agree in general terms with the three periods of its historical evolution observed in the writing of the Spanish. The first documents that are written in Castilian not conform to a single orthographic standard, because it didn’t exist, but from the reign of Alfonso X is detected if a certain uniformity; This is perhaps the more phonetic writing of the history of the language, because it attempts to reproduce the recent creations of a language that strives to take the place of latin as educated language. For example, in the medieval spelling consonants have their place today missing: ss, that would correspond to a sound s deaf platalized position, c for a ts sound, which disappeared centuries later and some others.