There are moments in which a Blogger like any other writer loses the Muse IE runs out of arguments and ideas to give content to your blog. Any idea that you think is meaningless, or worse yet, ideas do not come to mind. What is a Blogger in these circumstances what to do? Here are several techniques that will help you to clear the cobwebs and allow you to find an idea that inspires you for another great post. It begins with the news! Open your favorite news page or opens a newspaper and see what captures your attention. -That politicians do now? -That you are concerned of what remains of legislation? -Someone is running a law you want to publicly support?. -Some politician is in trouble; do you have anything to say in this regard? -Perhaps you have an idea about who should be couple of., or who marry – who died? have they put a nice monument to that good person? -Also worth research and write about some events of the past, as what happened on this date in the past year – are you interested in sport? Many Blogger and blog readers are fans to the sports and might be interested in information in the play-offs or the players. -Do not forget to consult the editorial page and the letters to the editor – do you agree with the views? Tell the world what if or why not.Read some blogs! Start browsing for your favorite blogs. What are they talking about? It is possible to have a different perspective on the latest hot topics that could be interesting for your fellow bloggers if you can’t find something that inspires you in your favorite blog, browse through some of those blogs that always you out of your boxes; those who seem to promote everything that goes against your lifestyle.