Chisels – the main tool for carving. "I undertake a chisel," – says the carver. This means that he will work to create carvings in wood. It stresses that his main instrument of labor is not hacksaw, without which, too, can not do, and chisel. Therefore, we will discuss more detailed description of chisels, their form and purpose. Chisels, cutters can be divided into two groups: standard (conventional) produced industry, which sets can be purchased in trade. Non-standard.
Their master makes himself or ordered toolmaker in its conception. Consider the first group of chisels. Chisels straight. In width at Standard sets are usually 10, 20, 30 mm. Straight chisels can perform multiple operations, and relief carving, they are simply irreplaceable. Most of them suspension – 20 mm wide.
Chisels-jambs. Sometimes referred to as oblique chisels. This is a straight chisel, cut at an angle of 45 to 70 . The width of a chisel on the canvas less straight chisel, but due to the cutoff angle of the cutting portion (blade) to increase the blade straight. Bong is a major tool for contouring and geometric carvings. Semicircular gouges. Cloth a curved chisels depending on the radius. Curved line is nothing like a segment of a circle, the larger the radius circumference, the position line is a curved blade chisel. Semicircular chisels can be taken out and processed trough convex surface that is cut out different shapes seizure, as concave and convex. Semicircular chisels hold bracket notches and holes in geometric designs, and they are indispensable for the relief carving. Such gouges can be with zaovalennymi angles. Chisels-klyukarzy (from the hock). It is with curved blades paintings with a short part at the end. Working part klyukarz can be different widths and shapes. They are used to perform high relief, bas-and three-dimensional carving, wood for excavation in hard to reach places and for cleaning background in relief carving. Chisels-corners – it is like two pictures straight chisels, converging at an angle of 70 to 90 . Such gouges can be used successfully with excision of the dihedral recesses in the contour of the thread and places in geometry, but only need to cut along and across the grain of the wood. Chisels tseraziki – shape such as semicircular gouges, but it is a fine instrument with a blade width of 2-4 mm. They can be klyukarzami. Tserazikami conveniently cut grooves and notches in the contour of a groove and go in hard to reach areas of relief items.