Makes the International Monetary Fund, who now speaks of public spending and the intervention of the State in the economy to emerge from the crisis, case. Before the events that are occurring already at this stage of the crisis, the Government strives to discuss whether it exists or not. Even resorts to formulas and clarifications on the matter beyond all sense, of all reality. The criteria of economic policy for 2009, sent to the Congress of the Union in August had to be modified after four weeks. The growth rate of 3% for 2009 was amended a month later, 1.8% now everyone, except the Government, argues that in the best of cases it will exceed 0.5%. It is likely that it is below and that decrease. There will be more unemployment by the double effect of the crisis underway: lower exports and drop in the domestic market.
Important this crisis actually take into account what manifests Carlos Slim Helu, one of the richest in the world, which has been released on various occasions their vision about the origins of the financial crisis world and its consequences. Among the basic coping solutions a period of global recession recommends maintaining employment and prevent freezing of credit, through the capitalization of the banks. Provides us with,, that it will be a very delicate situation, I will not be catastrophic, must be prepared to anticipate and be not seeing the consequences later and not be crying, said Carlos Slim Helu, to discuss the global financial crisis within the framework of the Mexico crisis Forum what to grow? organized by the Mexican Senate. He added, this is the biggest financial crisis, not only that I have lived, but that seems to me that it is the larger magnitude, the most complicated or complex, and the more global that there has been in previous years, considered the employer to participate in the 19th Convention of the securities market, held in December 2008. We had for some time waiting for or worried about flu avian and United States financial pandemic reached us, said Slim to participate for the first time as a speaker at a Convention of the securities market.
Fixed rates are sensitive (at times of low performance) to engage the heritage of so many people, he said, refer and criticizing the high interest rates of bank cards and investment of the funds for retirement (Afores). He also noted, highlighting the need to re-establish the circuit of credit in the country and in the world that do not brake operation interbank, if there are problems of funding becomes more difficult to resolve the liquidity crisis; We must find the strength of institutions, but they also grant information and has transparency of its operations, said the Tycoon. Considers, that it is very important that private investment will also capitalize on the banks, that would more quickly restored confidence. It is urgent that the regional banks (small banks) are supported to prevent effects on the real economy, said Slim at a business conference in Uruguay, referring to the importance of keeping active credit. While not normalise the situation of banking and credit we will not have a real economy, nor to know the depth of the problem. If the credit is restricted abnormally, the impact on the economy will be very delicate, said Slim.