In Germany, Federal President Christian Wulff has the patronage of the “international year of Forests 2011? taken over. The national activities are under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection (BMELV), which has set up his own campaign Office at the Federal Institute for agriculture and food (BLE). The year of forests “aims to promote awareness and knowledge of the conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests for the benefit of present and future generations. It should on the importance of the sustainable management of forests in the context combating poverty must be warned. According to estimates of the World Bank more than 1.6 billion people for their livelihood are dependent on the use of forests. Worldwide, we traded forest products worth nearly $ 300 billion. Forests are therefore a very important engine for economic growth and employment.
ForestFinance: Sustainable forestry protects natural forest areas of Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance of engaged widely in the preservation of natural forests as well as the creation of new species-rich forests. Former Brach and pastures, ForestFinance searches lasting new forests. Existing remnants of natural forest areas are thereby receive and not cultivated. The newly created species-rich forests are certified sustainably farmed. This reduces the case pressure on natural forests. ForestFinance is also involved in Panama in environmental education for forests and forest protection.
So, the company opened including the first nature trail”Panama. In addition, ForestFinance supports Panama environmental clubs and schools to the Theme forest conservation. Through the forest investment provider ForestFinance: The ForestFinance group manages over 3,500 hectares of ecological forest land in Panama and Viet Nam. The company specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose between various products of sustainable tropical forest management. The BaumSparVertrag are planted for 33 euro per month 12 trees per year and manage sustainably. Around eight times of the deposited amount is predicted for the “BaumSparer”. see more investment products: the WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 tropical forest with a buy-back guarantee. For investors who wish to replant 10,000 m2 with possibility of ownership, WoodStockInvest is the right product. CacaoInvest is an investment in organic cocoa and wood, with annual distributions. GreenAcacia is a short investment with only seven years term and annual income. Fire insurance for the risky first years of growth, as well as five percent safety areas in Panama to protect the investors contribute.