-2.5 Million tourists visited Germany between June and July. “These tourists would have spent at least 1. $1,000 during your stay. -2. $ 500 million would be money that would have injected the World Cup the German economy. -500 Million U.S. dollars paid the 15 sponsors -1. 700 millions of dollars are estimated to have been the collection of FIFA in terms of TV rights.
Puma is the largest provider of World Cup teams a total of 12 selected: Italy, Poland, Paraguay, Ghana, Czech Republic, Ivory Coast, Switzerland, Togo, Iran, Angola, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia. For its part, Nike dressed to 8 teams (Brazil, Croatia, Australia, USA, Holland, South Korea, Mexico and Portugal) and other six combined Adidas (Germany, Argentina, Trinidad and Tobago, Japan, France and Spain) It should be remembered for example, also Ela latest report on the sport of the international firm Deloitte, dated February 2005, includes a check-list of the top 20 football clubs in Europe. The ranking is led by the Manchester, with 259 million euros, closely followed by Real Madrid with 236 million (which has climbed three places from last year), AC Milan to Chelsea 222 million and 217 million. The list also contains the Barcelona, 7U 169 million and climbing too many positions last year. The top 20 highest revenue clubs closed by the Aston Villa with 84 million euros. Recently, Chelsea said that the South Korean company, Samsung would pay 74 million euros to promote themselves on the shirt of Chelsea for the next five years, Arsenal and signed an agreement with Emirates airlines.